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National Human Services IT Resource Center Resources For State IT Professionals
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Technical Reports

Documentation of technical research and studies performed for the NHSITRC audience.

  • Using Data Warehouses to Support TANF Program Objectives
    Shows how the use of data warehouse technology to support TANF and other Human Services Programs is increasing. This project performed a quick-look into the use of this technology by four States. This document consolidates and summarizes their experiences, providing insight into lessons learned. It also helps State IT and program staff leverage the experiences of each other and incorporate these experiences into their efforts - whether planning or developing new data warehouses, or improving existing ones. June 2004

  • State Systems Summit Overview
    A document illustrating the highlights of the Summit including the number and composition of attendees and descriptions of trainings, workgroups, and open sessions. June 2004

  • Crossing Boundaries: Coordinating and Exchanging Data Across States
    Technology Prototype Problem Description and Technical Approach
    This document summarizes the need for exchanging essential TANF case information across State and local boundaries and discusses factors affecting that sharing. This report will guide the production of a technology prototype demonstrating the application of XML Web Services technologies to enable sharing information across State boundaries. January 2004

  • Modernization of State TANF Systems
    Using the Web for Preeligibility screening and online application
    A report on the state of the practice and approaches for using the Web for Preeligibility Screening. June 2003

    This PowerPoint presentation provides a methodology for exploring with your State IT executives the potential for utilizing current online capability. January 2004
    MS PowerPoint (73.0 KB)
    To download and view notes pages right mouse click and select "save target as"

  • Welfare Reform Information Technology
    A Study of Issues in Implementing Information Systems for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program
    This Report describes information systems issues confronting States as a result of welfare reform.  Lessons learned from State initiatives are described. October 2000

Last Updated: March 7, 2007