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Field Campaigns

Image - conducting a field campaign

UPDATE: Due to the number and scope of requests for ACRF resources, all field campaign funds for supporting guest instrumentation and activities at the ACRF sites for FY 2009 are now committed. However, the ACRF will still attempt to accommodate new proposals for guest instrumentation at the expense of the principal investigator or proposals where the need for ACRF resources is minimal.

UPDATE: The FY 2011 proposal cycle for use of the mobile facilities and ARM Aerial Facility is now closed. Preproposals for smaller, less complex field campaigns using the ACRF fixed sites can be submitted any time.

ARM Climate Research Facility users regularly conduct field campaigns to augment routine data acquisitions and to test and validate new instruments. Any field campaign which is proposed, planned, and implemented at one or more research sites is referred to as an intensive operational period (IOP). IOPs are held using the fixed and mobile sites; Southern Great Plains, North Slope of Alaska, Tropical Western Pacific, ARM Mobile Facilities (AMF), and ARM Aerial Facility (AAF). The AAF provides aerial measurement platforms that can be used to support experiments at the fixed sites, in conjunction with a mobile facility, or in support of other research activities independent of the ACRF. While the ACRF does not provide direct funding for scientific research, small amounts of funding may be provided to allow the facility to assist with logistics, the development of datastreams and archiving, and other infrastructure activities associated with using the facility.

Proposal Schedule

Field campaign requests for any of the fixed ACRF sites will be considered at any time. The request for preproposals for larger, more complex field campaigns (such as those involving an AMF, AAF, or multiple funding organizations) will be published in journals in the fall of each year. Preproposals are due February 1 for these campaigns, with invited full proposals due May 1. To learn more about the scientific review process and how you can start your own IOP, please see submitting proposals or refer to the IOP Request, Approval, and Implementation Process (pdf).

To order field campaign data, visit the ARM Climate Research Facility Archive or call the Archive User Services Hotline at (865) 241-4851 or 1-888-ARM-DATA (1-888-276-3282). Email can be sent to