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50/51.2 CABQ.GOV Web Site Statistics

Goal 8 - DCC 50, 51 - Indicator 50/51.2

This indicator is part of Access to city services.

Indicator description:                                     

This indicator measures use of the CABQ.GOV web site using page view counts. A page view is an instance of a page being loaded by a browser. The City uses two methods to measure page view counts: fully loaded pages and requests. Requests will always be a larger number than fully loaded pages because a request does not require a page to be fully loaded to count as a page view. Comparative information to peer Southwest communities is only available for Austin and Tucson and these counts represent page view requests. The most recent and most complete data available for these communities are shown below.

Indicator 50_2a

Why is this indicator relevant?

Citizens are growing more accustomed to using online government (E-government) services. Like 311 Citizen Contact Centers, E-government web sites are available 24/7 and encourage interaction between citizens and governments. The city web site increases customers’ accessibility. Sites create channels for citizen participation in governing processes and allow municipalities to respond more easily to citizens. If citizens want to know about a City Council meeting, public meeting times, neighborhood crime statistics, restaurant inspections, volunteer opportunities or learn how to get involved through City boards and commissions, the web site offers these resources.

Data Sources:
Google Analytics for external traffic only, 2008; City of Albuquerque, Information Services Division, 2008; City of Tucson, 2008; City of Austin, 2008; US Census Bureau, American Community Survey (ACS), 2006.

Indicator 50_2b2

What can we tell from the data?

  • Comparing Jan-June 2007 to Jan-June 2008 shows an increase of 12% in CABQ.GOV web site page views.
  • Albuquerque has similar web site page view requests to Tucson and is equal to Tucson in page views per capita. Although page view counts are 43% less than Austin, the City’s per capita page views are just over 20% less.


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