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November 2008 - Winter Advisory Season

There are so many concerns this fall. This year’s swing in fuel costs has left us reeling. Let’s turn our attention to an important resource for transportation - gasoline and a program that helps to maintain our air quality this winter. The Oxyfuels Program is a program that starts November 1st and runs for the entire Winter Advisory Season which ends on the last day of February. This program, along with the year-round inspection and maintenance program, helps to maintain our compliance with the Carbon Monoxide National Ambient Air Quality Standard. Add the No-Burn Program and the community has a full complement of winter air quality protection programs. Ethanol is the “oxygenate” of choice in our region due to its availability and cost. It is added as mandated by the New Mexico Administrative Code 20.11.102 (NMAC). The Vehicle Pollution Management Division is responsible for maintaining this program and verifying that fuels sold in Bernalillo County contain no less than 2.7 percent (%) oxygen by weight (or 7.8% ethanol by volume). The additional oxygen helps to minimize a vehicle’s emissions that are generated during cold starts. This is especially helpful for high altitude communities like Albuquerque.

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