Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 3: Dates of Turning Points of TSI Freight and Passenger Against the Recessions

Turning points in the economy, TSI freight, and TSI passenger

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  Economy TSI freight TSI passenger
Peak Jan-80 NA NA
Trough Jul-80 Jul-80 Mar-81
Peak Jul-81 Feb-81  
Trough Nov-82 Nov-82  
Peak   Apr-84  
Trough   Jul-85  
Peak   Dec-88  
Trough   Jul-89  
Peak Jul-90 Aug-90 Oct-90
Trough Mar-91 Mar-91 Mar-91
Peak   Dec-94  
Trough   Jan-96  
Peak Mar-01 Dec-99 Sep-00
Trough Nov-01 Oct-01 Sep-01

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, http://www.bts.gov.

NOTE: This table shows the comparative patterns of peaks and troughs (i.e., turning points) in the economy and the two TSI indexes over time, and is meant to illustrate the comparative patterns among the series while providing information on the exact dates of the peaks and troughs. Not every peak or trough in any one series has a corresponding turning point in the other series.

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