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Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area

Jupiter Inlet LighthouseThe Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area was established on May 12, 2008. This site will serve as a clearing house for updates, information on planning and opportunities for public participation in the planning process, as well as providing links and background information.

The Outstanding Natural Area has been a collaborative effort between Federal, county, local and non-governmental  partners.  Over the last decade, this group has accomplished a great deal such as wetlands construction, river slope stabilization, hurricane clean-up, prescribed burns and habitat improvement for endangered species.  

Key points in the legislation:

  • The purposes of the Outstanding Natural Area are to protect, conserve, and enhance the unique and nationally important historic, natural, cultural, scientific, educational , scenic, and recreational values of the Outstanding Natural Area, including an emphasis on the restoration of native ecological systems.
  • A comprehensive management plan will be developed within three years.

According to Bruce Dawson, Jackson Field Manager, "The creation of the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area begins an exciting new phase of expanded opportunities for the public and partners. Inclusion in the National Landscape Conservation System solidifies the long term conservation of the site as a regional and national treasure for generations to come".

We are looking forward to working with you as we develop the collaborative plan for this very special area. Please stay tuned for upcoming information on scoping meetings and other opportunities to be involved in this process. 
Links to the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area partners are provided below:

Jackson Field Office         


Map of Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area

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