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Radiological Controls Division

Radioactive Emissions Monitoring & Control

Charles Schaefer, Division Manager
Ext. 4728,

Radiological Controls Division (RCD) Provides technical assistance, regulatory interpretation, coverage for radiological operations, radiological engineering, internal/external dosimetry services, instrumentation services, and on- and off-site radiological emergency response.

  • Radiological Engineering – Henry Kahnhauser, ext. 7509
  • Instrumentation and Calibration – Maintains site radiation protection instruments; provides radiological measurement engineering support; Designs and fabricates special monitoring applications; Facility Instrumentation Systems Design Reviews; Mechanical/electronic repair services available for nonradiological BNL equipment – Tim Welty, ext. 4212.
  • Personnel Monitoring – Provides internal (whole-body counting and urine assay for non-gamma-emitting radionuclides) and external (Type A and B badges, rings, environmental monitoring, and area monitoring badges) dosimetry services. Fully accredited by the DOE. Richard Reciniello, ext 5540.
  • Facility Support – Provides field support for the implementation of ESH&Q program by departments and divisions. Includes professionals and technicians deployed into the department’s facilities who provide job coverage, experimental and design reviews, job planning, and RWP preparation. Can serve as the first point of contact for ES&H issues – Dennis Ryan, ext. 5528.

Protection of workers and public from the hazards of radiation, and protection of the Laboratory from radiological issues.
Our internal and external customers view us as best-in-class providers of radiological control support services. 

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Last Modified: February 4, 2008