In The Spotlight

New BLM Colorado Launches E-News

Photograph of Rose Simpson

Visit with Respect 
A Native American Stewardship Message

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Take a Trip to the Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area and Wilderness!

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Colorado Field Office Map
Little Snake Field Office Glenwood Springs Field Office Uncomphgre Field Office Gunnison Field Office Kremmling Field Office Royal Gorge Field Office White River Field Office Grand Junction Field Office San Juan Public Lands Center San Luis Valley Public Lands Center Colorado Field Office Map

Colorado's 8.3 million acres of BLM public lands, along with 27 million acres of mineral estate, are concentrated primarily in the western portion of the State. The lands range from alpine tundra, colorful canyons, and mesas in the southwest, to rolling sage-covered hills in the northwest.  These public lands play a vital role in providing open space and contribute to Colorado's quality of life.

Special Areas

Statewide Strategic Plan for Managing NLCS units in Colorado

Economic Recovery

How the BLM and other Interior Bureaus are implementing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

Recovery Act Logo

BLM Colorado State Office  |  2850 Youngfield Street  |  Lakewood, Colorado 80215
303-239-3600  |  (Public) Information Access Center Hours 9am - 4pm M-F