Fire Management
Mountain-Prairie Region
Living With Fire: A Guide For the Great Plains Homeowner

Part 1: (715 Kb PDF)

Living In A Natural Fire Environment
The "Why We're Worried About Wildlife" Equation"
Living with Fire" Pre-Fire Activities

Part 2: (564 Kb PDF)

The Fire Environment

Part 3: (625 Kb PDF)

Examples of Local Fire Behavior in Great Plains Fuel Types

Part 4:

Frequently Asked Questions About Survivable Space

Part 5: (2.2 Mb PDF)

Creating an Effective Survivable Space... A Step by Step Guide

Part 6:

Firescape - FireWise Landscape Design
Firewise Plant Material for the Great Plains

Part 7: (913 Kb PDF)

Other Considerations in Making Your Home Survivable
The Wood Shake and Shingle Roof Hazard

Part 8:

When Wildfire Approaches
Outdoor Burning Safety Tips
Websites for Further Information


Last updated: September 17, 2008