Nuclear & Particle Physics Directorate

Nuclear and Particle Physics (NPP) at BNL comprises the Collider-Accelerator Department (including the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory, NSRL), the Physics Department, the Instrumentation Division, and the Superconducting Magnet Division.  Links to department/division web pages may be found to the left.


RHIC Run 10 Plan

Check out the new RHIC web site.

HEPAP/P5 was charged to develop a new long range plan for particle physics for the next decade.  The panel held three public meetings.  Here are their agendas, with links to the presentations:  Fermilab, January 31-February 2, 2008;  SLAC, February 21-23, 2008;  Brookhaven, 6-8 March 2008. The P5 Report (5/29/08)

NPP Program Advisory Committee


Past DOE Reviews and Other Meetings

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Electron-Ion Collider Working Group

Reference Documents

Decadal Planning for RHIC Experiments

BRAHMS  |  PHENIX  |  Phobos  |  STAR  |  Detector Advisory Committee Report

Other RHIC Documents and Links

Very Long Baseline Neutrino Experiment



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Last Modified: August 17, 2009