"Table 10. Types of Transportation to and from Work/Volunteer Sites, 2007",,,, Type of mode used ,Paid worker (%) ,95% CI ,Volunteer worker (%),95% CI 2007 Omnibus Household Survey ,n=528 ,, n=81 , "Non-company vehicle, alone ",81.5,± 4.1% ,68.0,±12.0% Non-company with others ,16.9,± 4.1% ,31.2,±12.0% Walk ,7.6,± 2.7% ,19.7,±9.8% "Company vehicle, alone ",9.1,± 3.1% ,1.0,±2.0% Company vehicle w/others ,5.7,± 2.4% ,3.1,±4.3% Bus ,4.3,± 2.0% ,0.0,±0.0% Carpool/vanpool ,3.8,± 2.2% ,5.4,±6.3% Subway ,2.4,± 1.8% ,0.0,±0.0% Bike ,2.2,± 1.6% ,4.1,±5.1% Train ,3.2,± 1.8% ,0.0,±0.0% Other ,2.7,± 1.6% ,1.0,±2.0% KEY: CI = Confidence interval.,,,, NOTE: Total exceeds 100% as respondents could select more than one mode.,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Omnibus Household Surveys, November 2006 and 2007.",,,,