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Protect the Environment: At Work

Preventing pollution at the workplace, and raising awareness of health and safety issues

In an Office

Bring Your Green to Work with ENERGY STAR - The energy saving actions we take as individuals in the workplace can make a big difference in the overall energy performance of a building and can help in the fight against climate change. From changing a desk lamp bulb to unplugging a power charger, EPA's animated tool -ENERGY STAR@Work - shows us how we can all do our part!

Climate Change: What You Can Do at the Office - Business and home offices use a significant amount of electricity for heating and cooling, lighting and operating equipment. Discover some easy ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions both at work and during your commute. Learn how reducing, reusing and recycling at work helps conserve energy.

It's Easy Being Green: A Guide to Planning and Conducting Environmentally Aware Meetings and Events - Provides an outline to assist professionals in planning environmentally aware events such as meetings, workshops, festivals, picnics, and sporting events. Includes profiles of successful events that have been held, and step by step procedures for coordinating events using a planning checklist.

Setting Up a Home Office (PDF) - (4 pp, 443K, About PDF) - This EPA publication (EPA 530-F-04-007) explains how to set up an environment-friendly home office.

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On a Farm

Ag Center Home Page - The National Agriculture Compliance Assistance Center (Ag Center) provides comprehensive, easy-to-understand information about compliance that are both environmentally protective and agriculturally sound. Contains major laws and programs that could affect farmers.

Fuel Storage Practices on the Farm - provides an overview of the importance and techniques of proper fuel storage.The risk assessment portion prompts the user to describe how petroleum products are stored and then evaluates the safety of these practices and provides detailed informationabout any problems discovered through the questionnaire.

Managing Water Pollution from Agriculture - describes how agricultural nonpoint source pollution contaminates ground water and degrades wetlands.

Pesticide Storage and Handling Practices on the Farm - explains proper handling and storage of pesticides on farmsteads. The software provides a general overview of pesticide handling and storage, a risk assessment section, and recommendations for correcting problems related to pesticide storage.

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Worker Health and Safety

Indoor Air Quality in Large Buildings - Learn about the roles of building managers and occupants in maintaining good indoor air quality.

An Office Building Occupant's Guide to Indoor Air Quality - This booklet is intended to help people who work in office buildings learn about the factors that contribute to indoor air quality and comfort problems and the roles of building managers and occupants in maintaining a good indoor environment.

Secondhand Smoke - The health risks to children and adults from secondhand smoke are discussed at this site, with links to a number of publications.

Pesticide Safety Programs - This site presents the EPA Worker Protection Standard which helps protect agricultural workers from pesticide poisoning and injuries.

Protecting the Health of Nail Salon Workers - Developed in collaboration with nail salons and other partners, this practical guide can help workers and nail-salon owners make their salons safer workplaces. The guide includes easy-to-use checklists with advice on topics such as proper gloves, masks and handling of products. The guide's non-technical language will help workers understand product ingredients and how to prevent overexposure to those that present potential health risks.

Index of ToxFAQs - ATSDR ToxFAQs is a series of summaries about hazardous substances. Each fact sheet provide answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) about exposure to hazardous substances and the effects of exposure on human health.

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Videoconferencing reduces the need for conference participants to travel, thereby saving fuel and reducing pollution from vehicles.


Resources for Concerned Citizens

United We Serve - Serve.gov Search for volunteer opportunities in your community at Serve.gov

Learn about Your Right to Know

Right-to-know laws provide information about possible chemical exposures. Discover resources EPA provides the public in the spirit of right-to-know.

Learn about your right to know >>

Search for and Comment on Regulations

Our proposed regulations are almost always open to the public for comment. Your participation leads to better regulations.

Search for and comment on regulations >>

At Home and in the Garden

Tips for home safety, avoiding potential risks, and preventing pollution by recycling and conserving water and energy.

Protect the environment at home and in your garden >>

At Work

Information about preventing pollution in your workplace, and raising awareness of health and safety issues.

Keep work environments safe >>

On the Road

Consumer information about the environmental impacts of transportation plus tips on cleaner cars, saving gas and improving mileage, boating pollution prevention tips, and more.

Learn about the environmental impacts of transportation >>

At School

Whether you are a student or a teacher in a class about the environment, EPA has lots of educational resources to offer you.

Keep school environments safe >>

While Shopping

Find helpful information on how to choose purchases that will reduce pollution, save energy and money.

Learn to be an environmentally-savvy shopper >>

In Your Community

Learn how to protect your neighborhood's natural resources, and get information on air and water quality in your community.

Protect the environment in your community >>

Think Globally, Act Locally

Learn about environmental issues that impact our world, and about programs, opportunities, and tools to help you get involved and make a difference in your community.

More on thinking globally and acting locally >>

Report a Violation or Emergency

Information on potential environmental violations and how to report a suspicious situation. To report oil and chemical spills, call the National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802.

Learn how to report violations and emergencies | Information on natural disasters >>

Children's Health

Information on how to protect children from toxins, the sun, lead, and other potential environmental health threats.

More on children's health >>