Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. Earthbound microbial and geological robotic based observations for Mars

    Project Investigators: Mark Yim

    Other Project Members

    David Benelli (Undergraduate Student)
    Jedtsada Laucheron (Undergraduate Student)


    This project explores robotic aids to astrobiology in the form of remotely controlled mobile agents with the ability to do human-like tasks in earth and mars like environments. Ethnographic studies are conducted to determine the microgeobiologist and geochemists abilities to use robotic interfaces to collect data and samples in liquid based and liquid-solid interface locations such as seeps, shallow water, surf-zone etc. Several robots are designed and constructed: Robots capable of achieving astrobiologist tasks (in situ testing, sample acquisition) Robots with high mobility to reach harsh environments (amphibious, acidic, saline) Astrobiologist-capable interfaces (long distance teleoperation, multi-modal)

    Astrobiology Roadmap Objectives:

    Project Progress

    Two new versions of the robot astrobiologist “RAB” were created. One version, RAB2 (Figure 1) uses a smaller form factor computer and retains the same functionality of the previous (swappable end-effector tools, remote vision, and sampling capability). RAB2 Falso showed the ability to be controlled via the internet from across the world. This was demonstrated at UPenn and at Berkeley on June 18th 2008, and is planned to be tested with the robot in UPenn being controlled from microgeobiologists at Berkeley across the country.

    Robot astrobiologist with long range (cross world) remote controllability

    The second version created, RAB2a (Figure 2) focuses on improved amphibious mobility with a new custom fiberglass hull (pictured below) and relies on remote PC control – (there is no Onboard PC though still has 8 embedded computers). RAB2a can get up to 5 liquid samples stored in 5 onboard removable vials. RAB2a is being demonstrated with BioMARS teammember George Luther at Delaware August 29th.

    Robot astrobiologist with high amphibious mobility, sampling and testing arms.

    Field Expeditions

    Univ Delaware Ferry Slip
    Aug. 29, 2008 - AUg. 29, 2008
    Geochemist test of robot interface on water/land junction. Evaluation of testing arm and sample capability. Exploration of adding U. Delaware probe onto robot.