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EPA developed the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Tools for Schools (TfS) Program to reduce exposures to indoor environmental contaminants in schools through the voluntary adoption of sound indoor air quality management practices.

The IAQ Tools for Schools Program is a comprehensive resource to help schools maintain a healthy environment in school buildings by identifying, correcting, and preventing IAQ problems. Poor indoor air quality can impact the comfort and health of students and staff, which, in turn, can affect concentration, attendance, and student performance. In addition, if schools fail to respond promptly to poor IAQ, students and staff are at an increased risk of short-term health problems, such as fatigue and nausea, as well as long-term problems like asthma.

Since its release in 1995 (just re-released this year), the IAQ TfS Action Kit has been implemented in hundreds of schools across the country. School districts that have implemented IAQ TfS find that there are common elements to successfully implementing the program. 

  1. Organizing a program with a committed group of individuals dedicated to ensuring good IAQ and with clear support from senior management
  2. Assessing current IAQ conditions and issues
  3. Creating a Plan outlining a strategic approach to identifying, resolving, and preventing IAQ problems
  4. Taking Actions to improve IAQ in the school that lead to increased student and staff health and productivity
  5. Evaluating the IAQ management program by tracking and assessing results
  6. Communicating the intent, results, and next steps of the IAQ management program

The IAQ TfS Program assists school districts in identifying the actions they can take to successfully plan and implement and effective IAQ management Program.

The IAQ TfS National Awards Program serves as an incentive for schools to start the program and is designed to recognize schools for their achievements in improving IAQ. Schools can apply for a variety of awards and receive recognition for starting a program or for showing exemplary improvement in IAQ management.  Learn more

Products and Materials
The IAQ Tools for Schools Program provides a variety of products, materials, and tools at no cost to help schools implement an indoor air quality management program. In addition to the IAQ TfS Action Kit, specialized fact sheets, brochures, and software programs are available to provide in-depth information on environmental topics.  Get the Kit Available products include the following:

Technical tools:

Follow these links to information prepared especially for you!

Envisioning Excellence: Lessons from Effective School Indoor Air Quality Programs.  Read about this exciting tool.

IAQ TfS Program

Save the Date. The 10th Annual IAQ TfS Symposium will be January 14-16, 2010, in Washington, D.C. Learn More

Registration is now open. We invite you to join IAQ experts and peers from across the nation at this premiere event.

Visit the Registration page to register today exiting EPA. The registration fee is $360.

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