NASA: National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationEarth Observatory

Headlines: February 2004

  1. January 2004
  2. March 2004
  1. Spanish Supercomputer to Aid Medical, Climate Research
    February 28, 2004

    The Spanish government has agreed to spend $87 million in building the world�s second most powerful supercomputer to aid in scientific research on medicine, climate change, and new materials for aeronautics and mechanical engineering. (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

  2. Violent Storms Affect a Continent�s Climate as Rain Goes Up in Smoke
    February 27, 2004

    Smoke drifting from burning forests in the Amazon is affecting the climate of the entire South American continent, drying up rain, but making storms that do develop much more violent than usual. (Reuters)

  3. Smog Goes Camping
    February 27, 2004

    Experts examine the growing air quality crisis in Rocky Mountain National Park. (CBS News)

  4. Glacier Marches on to Nature�s Explosive Finale
    February 26, 2004

    The world�s glaciers have been forced into retreat by global warming, but the Moreno Glacier is still on the march and has now, against all predictions, started to prepare for a rare and spectacular explosion of ice and water. (The Times)

  5. Coral Family Strife
    February 26, 2004

    Researchers made a major revision to the coral family tree that may spur stepped-up efforts to conserve the unsung Atlantic corals. (Nature)

  6. Thawing Permafrost Means More Methane
    February 26, 2004

    A study finds permafrost is thawing, vegetation is becoming more marsh-like and emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, have risen by 66 percent in the Swedish sub-arctic. (ScienceNow)

  7. Climate Control
    February 25, 2004

    Researchers from James Cook University�s School of Tropical Environment Studies and Geography say that other planets in the solar system are also likely in a state of change. (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

  8. Scientists Say Asian Brown Cloud Threatens Gulf
    February 24, 2004

    A leading environmental scientist says a body of pollution that has been identified in the skies across Asia is now threatening to engulf the Middle East and make the planet a drier place. (Reuters, Associated Press)

  9. Climate: Hard Lessons from Climates Past
    February 23, 2004

    Harvard researchers discuss the dire consequences of global climate change over the next millennium. (United Press International)

  10. Reef at Risk as Climate Changes: Report
    February 23, 2004

    Australia's Great Barrier Reef will lose most of it coral cover by 2050 and, at worst, the world�s largest coral system could collapse by 2100 because of global warming. (Reuters, Associated Press)

  11. Climate Expert Warning of Dangers to Ski Resorts
    February 20, 2004

    A climate expert with the Natural Resources Defense Council�s climate center says snowpack may decrease by as much as 50 percent in the Rocky Mountains in coming decades, resulting in disastrous consequences for an already drought-stricken area. (Aspen Daily News)

  12. Breaking the Ice
    February 20, 2004

    European researchers have found that the unpredictable nature of how and when a slab of snow falls apart may make avalanches almost impossible to predict. (Nature)

  13. Seas and Climate
    February 19, 2004

    A worldwide system of ocean floats is being developed to help scientists forecast potentially devastating events like floods or droughts months or even years in advance. (ScienCentral News)

  14. Strong Link Found Between Climate Extremes and Malaria Epidemics in Africa
    February 19, 2004

    Researchers say seasonal fluctuations in a region�s climate, rather than consistently high annual temperatures or levels of rainfall, play an important role in causing malaria epidemics in the African highlands. (Newswise)

  15. Global Warming to Affect Texas Ag Output
    February 19, 2004

    Researchers say expected temperature increases over the next several decades could damage Texas� agricultural output by as much as 25 percent. (Country World News)

  16. Global Warming Might Hurt New Mexico Snowpack
    February 18, 2004

    Research conducted at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory shows that New Mexico�s northern mountains could see a 30 percent drop in their average winter snowpack by 2050. (

  17. Pacific Nation�s Annual Swamping Revives Global Warming Debate
    February 18, 2004

    The Pacific atoll nation of Tuvalu was inundated during high or �king� tides this week, giving weight to dark predictions that it will become the first victim of rising global sea levels. (Nature)

  18. Climate Change Could Boost Cash Crops
    February 17, 2004

    Climate change could boost yields from some of America�s most important crops, including soybeans, according to plant biologists who have simulated expected atmospheric conditions of 2050 in a U.S. field. (Nature)

  19. Global Warming Hitting Northwest Hard, Researchers Warn
    February 17, 2004

    Global warming will diminish the amount of water stored as snow in the western United States by up to 70 percent in the coastal mountains over the next 50 years, according to a new climate change model. (The Seattle Times)

  20. New Zealand Could Cash in as Aussie Climate Change Snowballs
    February 16, 2004

    New Zealand�s alpine industry is in line to benefit from an Australian climate meltdown that threatens to cut snowfall by up to 20 percent. (Fairfax New Zealand Limited)

  21. Climate: Arctic Faces a Warmer Tomorrow
    February 16, 2004

    Researchers say several factors, particularly changes in the Arctic Oscillation, are responsible for the decrease in the Arctic�s ice extent and thickness over the past several decades. (United Press International)

  22. Europe�s Weather Could Flip Annually Between Extremes
    February 16, 2004

    Europe�s weather could flip from floods to droughts every year as climate change kicks in, according to scientists who have modeled the mechanisms behind the continent�s most recent bouts of extreme weather. (New Scientist)

  23. Ozone Levels Rise Increases Mortality Rates
    February 16, 2004

    A rise in ozone levels, particularly during the summer, pushes up mortality rates, according to South Korea researchers. (Medical News Today)

  24. Aerosols Now Believed to Be as Important as Greenhouse Gases
    February 14, 2004

    Researchers say aerosols, tiny atmospheric particles made up of various elements and produced by a range of sources, have become a prominent concern due to their ability to influence atmospheric and hydrologic phenomena. (Newswise)

  25. Fertilizing Oceans Could Affect Food Chain, Scientists Say
    February 14, 2004

    Scientists debate whether adding iron to oceans, so they absorb more carbon dioxide, will reduce the amount of greenhouse gases warming the planet. (San Diego Union Tribune)

  26. Soil Erosion as Big a Problem as Global Warming, Say Scientists
    February 14, 2004

    Erosion of topsoil, already a serious problem in Australia, China, and parts of the U.S., threatens modern civilization, researchers warn. (Guardian Unlimited)

  27. Cloud Forests, Water Source to Millions, Face Risk
    February 13, 2004

    A warming climate threatens tropical mountain forests that strip moisture from clouds and supply water to millions of people in Africa and Latin America, according to a UN report. (Environmental News Network)

  28. Climate Change Puts Reefs in Hot Water
    February 13, 2004

    Half the world�s coral reefs could be wiped out or badly damaged by the end of the century because of climate change, according to a U.S. ocean scientist. (Environmental Media Services)

  29. Global Warming Debate Rages On, Focuses on Land Use
    February 13, 2004

    A small, but growing number of atmospheric scientists are investigating whether land-use changes are a major cause of global warming. (The Christian Science Monitor)

  30. Clouds Provide Insight in Understanding Climate
    February 12, 2004

    A University of Utah researcher says the study of tropopause cirrus clouds, found high in the atmosphere, is crucial in predicting future climate changes. (The Daily Utah Chronicle)

  31. Edinburgh Scientist Offers Hope on Climate Change
    February 11, 2004

    A University of Edinburgh scientist says climate change may have been slowed by an increase in the growth rate of trees in the Amazon rainforests. (The Scotsman)

  32. Bighorn Sheep Threatened by Climate Change, Finds New Study
    February 10, 2004

    Researchers at the University of California-Berkeley have linked population declines of California�s desert bighorn sheep with the effects of climate change. (University of California-Berkeley)

  33. IBM Supercomputer to Forecast Global Warming
    February 10, 2004

    Scientists at the University of California-Irvine will use the IBM supercomputer, called the Earth System Modeling Facility (ESMF) to simulate how pressures on the planet�s climate will affect climate conditions during the next 300 years. (

  34. Beyond Brrr: The Elusive Science of Cold
    February 10, 2004

    Meteorologists continue to debate the correct formula for computing the wind chill index. (New York Times)

  35. Global Warming Threatens Lobster Farms, Researcher Says
    February 10, 2004

    A research scientist at Cornell College of Veterinary medicine says lobsters in New York�s Long Island Sound are dying of suffocation as warmer temperatures cause a build-up of calcium in their gills. (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

  36. Two NASA Satellites Aid Weather Forecasters
    February 9, 2004

    NASA scientists are working with NOAA and the National Weather Service to train forecasters how to interpret data from NASA�s Terra and Aqua satellites that provide much more clarity and detail. (Palm Beach Post)

  37. Orbital Tracking Reveals Thinning Upper Atmosphere
    February 4, 2004

    The orbits of 27 free-floating objects in Earth�s uppermost atmosphere have not dropped as much as expected over the last 30 years as the thermosphere has cooled and decreased in density. (New Scientist)

  38. Ping-Pong Ball Avalanches May Help Prevent Real Disasters
    February 4, 2004

    A series of experiments, some involving over half a million ping-pong balls and a ski slope, are helping scientists understand the complex physics underlying avalanches. (New Scientist)

  39. Ozone-thinning Molecule Found above Arctic
    February 3, 2004

    Scientists have observed for the first time a molecule high in the atmosphere that may be a key player in ozone depletion. (UPI,

  40. Ancient Global Warming May be from Methane
    February 2, 2004

    A release of methane into the atmosphere may have caused a brief but severe episode of global warming during the dinosaur age. (BBC)

  41. Glacier Study Helps Assess Effects of Climate Change
    February 1, 2004

    Researchers in several western states are studying how climate change and its impact on snowfall in the mountains affect wildfire and forest growth. (The Missoulian)

  42. Ocean Fluctuations Seen as a Key to Climate
    February 1, 2004

    Researchers are using high-tech sensors on buoys off the southern Africa coast to monitor changes in temperature that could affect climate all the way to Europe. (The Charleston Post and Courier)