NASA: National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationEarth Observatory

NASA News: April 2005

  1. March 2005
  2. May 2005
  1. Scientists Confirm Earth's Energy is Out of Balance April 29, 2005

    Scientists have concluded more energy is being absorbed from the sun than is emitted back to space, throwing the Earth's energy "out of balance" and warming the globe.

  2. Scientists Confirm Earth's Energy is Out of Balance April 29, 2005

    Scientists have concluded more energy is being absorbed from the sun than is emitted back to space, throwing the Earth's energy "out of balance" and warming the globe.

  3. When Snow Melts, Ocean Plants Bloom April 21, 2005

    A NASA funded study has found a decline in winter and spring snow cover over Southwest Asia and the Himalayan mountain range is creating conditions for more widespread blooms of ocean plants in the Arabian Sea.

  4. NASA Study Finds Earth's Auroras are not Mirror Images April 5, 2005

    Scientists looking at the Earth's northern and southern auroras were surprised to find they are not mirror images of each other, as was once thought. The main cause behind the differences appears to be the interaction between the Sun's outer atmosphere and the Earth's magnetic field.