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National Center for Health Statistics
New Report on Disability Available from NCHS

For Immediate Release: November 13, 1997
Contact: NCHS Public Affairs Office (301) 458-4800

No. 292. Trends and Differential Use of Assistive Technology Devices: United States, 1994. 12 pp. (PHS) 98-1250
View/download PDF 77 KB

A new report from the National Center for Health Statistics examines the use of assistive technology devices for vision, hearing, mobility, and orthopedic impairments. This is the first analysis of this kind from the National Health Interview Survey's Disability Supplement. Highlights from the report, titled "Trends and Differential Use of Assistive Technology Devices: United States, 1994," include:

bullet graphicAn estimated 7.4 million persons in the U.S. household population use assistive technology devices for mobility impairments, the most frequent reason for using an assistive device. Almost 5 million people use canes, the single most utilized assistive device.

bullet graphicAnother 4.6 million use assistive devices such as back braces and artificial limbs to compensate for orthopedic impairments.
bullet graphic4.5 million use hearing aids, amplified telephones, closed caption television, and other assistive devices for hearing impairments.

bullet graphic500,000 use these devices for vision impairments.

bullet graphicThe majority of persons using these devices were over 65 years of age. Sixty-two percent of persons using mobility devices, 69 percent of persons using hearing devices, and 51 percent of persons using vision devices are over 65 years of age.

bullet graphicUse of assistive devices has increased dramatically over the past decade, in part due to the aging of the population but also due to technological advances, public policy initiatives, and changes in the delivery and financing of health care.

"Trends and Differential Use of Assistive Technology Devices: United States, 1994," can be downloaded from the National Center for Health Statistics' (NCHS) Home Page at


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