"Table 15. Top 10 U.S. Airlines, ranked by 2007 International Scheduled Enplanements",,,,, "Passenger numbers in millions (000,000)",,,,, 2007 Rank,Carrier,2007 Enplaned Passengers,2006 Rank,2006 Enplaned Passengers,Pct. Change 2006-2007 1,American,"21,613.4",1,"21,358.4",1.2 2,United,"11,963.4",2,"12,056.3",-0.8 3,Continental,"11,880.9",3,"10,964.0",8.4 4,Delta,"11,430.0",4,"10,132.7",12.8 5,Northwest,"9,902.6",5,"9,728.7",1.8 6,US Airways*,"4,978.5",6,"4,609.7",8.0 7,Alaska,"2,230.2",7,"2,247.2",-0.8 8,Express Jet,"2,067.6",8,"2,004.7",3.1 9,Executive,"1,753.9",9,"1,770.9",-1.0 10,Spirit,"1,278.2",14,733.5,74.3 "Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, T-100 International Market",,,,, "* US Airways Jan-Dec 2007 numbers include only US Airways for Jan-Sept and a combined number for the merged US Airways and America West in subsequent months. For Jan-Sept 2007, America West reported 990.3 thousand enplaned international passengers. The 2006 number was reported separately by US Airways. For Jan-Dec 2006, America West reported 1,232.8 thousand enplaned international passengers.",,,,, Note: Percentage changes based on numbers prior to rounding.,,,,, ,,,,,