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Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Sitecloseup of the site's entrance
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I, Too, Am America Contest

And the winners are...

The Road to Justice

The story of Brown v. Board of Education, which ended legal segregation in public schools, is one of hope and courage. When the people agreed to be plaintiffs in the case, they never knew they would change history. The people who make up this story were ordinary people. They were teachers, secretaries, welders, ministers and students who simply wanted to be treated equally.

Mother and daughter sitting on the U.S. Supreme Court building steps holding a newspaper with a headline about the end of segregation in schools.

The Five Cases

In December 1952, the United States Supreme Court had on its docket cases from Kansas, Delaware, the District of Columbia, South Carolina, and Virginia, all of which challenged the constitutionality of racial segregation in public schools. The Court had consolidated these five cases under one name, Oliver Brown et al. v. the Board of Education of Topeka.

Timeline in exhibit


What percentage of Virginia's population was represented by African Americans in 1670? When did the U.S. Supreme Court rule that "separate but equal" segregated facilities on public transportation were constitutional? What year did President Harry S. Truman issue an executive order to ban segregation in the armed forces?

The pedestrian pathway made with 100% recycled materials, leading from the parking lot to the front entrance.

Going Green!

Did you know that parks are environmentally rated? This Environmental Management System rating includes things like managing pesticides, hazardous wastes, and recycling. The ratings are green, yellow, and red. Environmental Management System standards and models were developed out of the desire to focus the National Park Service’s time and effort on environmental matters of prime importance while making the mechanics of environmental compliance and management easier and more reliable.

Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site was rated GREEN in March of 2009.

computer keyboard

Superintendent's Blog

8/6/2009--Dennis A. Vasquez has been selected to serve as the program manager for the commission to study the potential creation of the National Museum of the American Latino in Washington, DC. The 23 members of the commission will be appointed by the President and Congress. As program manager, Vasquez will be responsible for directing the policies, standards, and guidelines for overall coordination, planning, and successful accomplishment of the commission, which was authorized by Public Law 110-229.


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1515 SE Monroe Street
Topeka, KS 66612

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Visitor Information
(785) 354-4273


(785) 354-7213


Kansas enjoys four distinct seasons. You may expect mild springs, hot summers, warm falls and chilly winters.
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Dr. Kenneth Clark conducting the  

Did You Know?
Dr. Kenneth Clark compiled the social science evidence cited in the U.S. Supreme Court’s Brown v. Board of Education case.--Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site

Last Updated: August 26, 2009 at 15:11 EST