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Department of Forestry

If you are interested a career that combines work in the out-of-doors with science, forestry may be just what you are looking for.

Foresters are applied ecologists who do hands-on management of forest ecosystems. Their work is done within an ethical framework of sustainable use of forests and of stewardship.


Undergraduate and graduate research programs leading to the B.S.F., M.S. or Ph.D. in Forestry are designed to prepare you for professional careers with state and federal agencies, local governments, forest industry, environmental organizations, academic institutions and consulting firms.

To learn more about forestry as a profession, visit the Society of American Foresters Web site.

Participate in Our Survey

Feedback is a gift. The Department of Forestry is considering re-tooling the Industrial Forest Management curriculum to better position future graduates. Please answer a few questions that will help us identify needs for education in Forest Resource Business, Economics and Finance.