NASA: National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationEarth Observatory

NASA News: February 2001

  1. January 2001
  2. March 2001
  1. Cloud "Heat Vent" Could Diminish Warming February 28, 2001

    The tropical Pacific Ocean may be able to open a “vent” in its heat-trapping cirrus cloud cover and release enough energy to diminish climate warming. The clouds appear to decrease when sea surface temperatures are higher.

  2. Why Africa’s Lake Chad Is Shrinking February 27, 2001

    NASA-funded researchers have figured out why Lake Chad has shrunk from the size of Vermont to Rhode Island in the last 30 years. Both a drier climate and high agricultural demands for water are to blame.

  3. Satellite Captures Antarctica in Motion February 21, 2001

    A joint NASA and Canadian Space Agency mission now provides a more comprehensive view of how the Antarctic ice sheet moves and changes. The new radar map may help answer some fundamental questions about whether the ice sheet is advancing or retreating.

  4. Big Particles Help Explain Arctic Ozone Loss February 8, 2001

    Newly discovered large nitric acid particles are helping scientists better explain ozone loss in the Arctic stratosphere. The newly discovered class of particles has given scientists a better understanding of the processes that set the stage for chlorine-caused ozone depletion in the Arctic.

  5. A Snowy Winter for Western U.S. February 2, 2001

    Data from NASA’s Terra satellite has confirmed that this has already been a snowier than normal winter for parts of the United States.