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Available Publications: Biopesticides

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Biopesticides Topic

Document Number

Document Name

___51006 Plant-Pesticide/Plant-Incorporated Protectants (PIP's) Final Rule Summary (PDF) (2 pp, 20K), 2 pages, July 2001
___51007 Questions and Answers on Biotechnology:  Final Plant-Pesticide/Plant Incorporated Protectants (PIP's) Rules (PDF) (5 pp, 40K), 5 pages, July 19, 2001
___51082* SAP Final Report: Assessment of Additional Scientific Information Concerning StarLink Corn (PDF) (39 pp, 114K), 39 pages, July 2001
___50076 What Are Biopesticides?, 2 pages, January 2001
* These documents can not be faxed to you due to their length. Hard copies can either be downloaded from the web or mailed to you.

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