Pest Management


Pest Information
Animals (Vertebrate Pests)
Plant Diseases

Biology and Life Cycle of Weeds- Videos

Pest Identification

Pest Management Workshop -
Sept. 2002

WVU Extension Quick Reference Pest Fact Sheets - Identification aides for vegetable, ornamental, and agricultural crop diseases commonly encountered by West Virginia growers and homeowners.
Updated - 02/05/09

Look What's Out There

Educational Information

Pesticide Safety Education Program & Pesticides Applicator Certification Information
W.Va. Information Network for Pesticides & Alternative Strategies Program
Northeast Region IPM
National IPM Network
Pesticide Safety - It's Common Sense
Read the Label First!
Before You Buy A Pesticide: Helpful Tips for Home Gardeners
Help the Mountaineer clean up his act and use pesticides safely!
W.Va. Contacts
Extension Service
Dept. of Agriculture

Related Web Sites

Pest Management

The WVU Extension Service Pest Management Program centers around control of animals, insects, plant diseases, and weeds around the home, garden, farm, and other outdoor areas.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a multidisciplinary approach to solving pest problems. It involves chemical, cultural, biological, and mechanical methods to manage pests below economic thresholds. A sound understanding of host biology, environmental effects on hosts and pests, and benefits and costs of control alternatives form important components of IPM.

West Virginia is a member of the Northeast Region IPM Network of the National IPM Network

Pest Management & IPM Contacts:
Dr. John F.Baniecki
WVU Extension Specialist, Plant Pathology/Entomology and Professor
G101 South Agricultural Sciences Bldg.
P.O. Box 6108
Morgantown, WV 26506-6108
(304) 293-6023 Ext. 8835
Fax (304) 293-6954

Rakesh S. Chandran, Ph.D.
IPM State Coordinator
WVU Extension Specialist &
Research Assistant Professor
1076 Agricultural Sciences Building
P.O. Box 6108
Morgantown, WV 26506-6108
(304)293-6131 Ext. 4225