NASA: National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationEarth Observatory

NASA News: February 2008

  1. January 2008
  2. March 2008
  1. NASA Co-Sponsors Ocean Voyage to Probe Climate-Relevant Gases February 21, 2008

    More than 30 scientists will embark next week on a research mission to the Southern Ocean. Researchers will battle the elements to study how gases important to climate change move between the atmosphere and the ocean under high winds and seas.

  2. Greenland's Rising Air Temperatures Drive Ice Loss at Surface and Beyond February 20, 2008

    A new NASA study confirms that the surface temperature of Greenland's massive ice sheet has been rising, fueling the loss of the island's ice at the surface and throughout the mass beneath.

  3. 2007 Hurricane Season Starts Early, Ends Late February 8, 2008

    The Atlantic Hurricane Season began early in 2007, and by mid-December it was still going.

  4. CALIPSO Takes Its One-Billionth Measurement February 7, 2008

    A NASA satellite that offers information on how tiny particles in the air or clouds warm or cool the Earth took its billionth measurement since its launch in April 2006.

  5. Ocean-Observing Satellites Help Break Current Records February 7, 2008

    Maps of ocean currents made possible by satellite data helped two different teams of ocean adventurers set records this winter crossing the Tasman Sea.

  6. NASA Scientist Leads International Expedition to Antarctica In Search of Extreme Organisms February 5, 2008

    NASA's Richard Hoover is leading a team of explorers and scientists to a remote location in Antarctica to search for and characterize its unique microorganisms. February 5, 2008

  7. NASA Data Link Pollution to Rainy Summer Days in the Southeast February 1, 2008

    Rainfall data from a NASA satellite show that summertime storms in the southeastern United States shed more rainfall midweek than on weekends.