Recreation Permits

BLM’s recreation-permitting system satisfies recreation demand within established limits in an equitable, safe, and enjoyable manner while minimizing adverse resource impacts and user conflicts.  When issuing recreation permits, BLM authorizes permittees to use public lands and related waters for permitted purposes.  This privilege to use public lands and related waters is subject to the permit’s terms and conditions.  Recreation permits are administered consistent with comprehensive resource management plans, site specific recreation area management plans, or, in their absence, recreation management objectives based on analysis of resources and visitor use for each area. 

Do I Need a Permit?

Consider these questions:

  • Will you be rafting a river that requires a permit?
  • Will you be traveling in a designated Wilderness?
  • Are you charging a fee?
  • Do you expect to make money on the event or is the fee to cover expenses?
  • Will there be a competition?
  • Will you advertise?
  • Will you mark a course?
  • Will you be expecting vehicles at your event? (How many?)
  • Will your event involve public lands?
  • Is anyone being paid to organize, lead, or participate in your activity?
  • If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you may need a permit from the BLM.