Ordering Process

Task orders will be executed electronically through the use of the DWSS DCSC Portal. The system is a web-based, e-business procurement Portal, designed to facilitate performance-based service acquisitions, improve business intelligence and reduce cycle time. The DWSS/DCSC Production Portal can be accessed by registered users.

All services to be acquired under the DCSC contracts must be placed through the DWSS portal. Contractors will not accept orders processed outside the Portal unless specific written authority is granted by the DCSC Program Office for situations where the electronic Portal is not available.

Services acquired under the DCSC contracts are subject to the Service Contract Act per FAR 22.10. As such, Department of Labor Wage Determinations are applicable. These WDs have been included in the contracts and the Portal. Each Ordering Officer must assure that the provisions of the SCA are enforced for their Task Order.

Specific ordering instructions are contained in the DCSC Ordering Guide available to DOD Ordering Officers inside the Portal.

This page last updated: April 30, 2008
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