Wild Horse Program


Wild Horse Face Profile Wild Horse Galloping

There are over 1,000 wild horses roaming within eight Herd Management Areas (HMAs) in the Burns District. These areas present unique opportunities for viewing wild horse herds and their habitat. You can find colorful bands of wild horses scattered throughout the Burns District’s eight beautiful HMAs: Palomino Buttes, Warm Springs, Kiger, Riddle Mountain, South Steens, Heath Creek/Sheepshead, Alvord-Tule Springs, and Stinkingwater. more>>

Once excess wild horses in Oregon/Washington are gathered from the range, they are brought to Oregon’s Wild Horse Corral Facility for preparation for the BLM’s Adopt-A-Horse Program. Located just 3 miles from the Burns District Office along U.S. Highway 20, the Corral Facility is home to a wide variety of wild horses throughout the year, and occasionally a few burros as well. The Burns District is responsible for coordinating wild horse gathers and adoption events, and also for providing overall guidance regarding the management of wild horses in Oregon. The Facility is open for viewing weekdays, 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. more>>

Did you know?

Wild Horse Image

The natural structure of a family of horses is the band. The dominant stallion is the boss. His role is to protect his band from danger and increase his harem of mares and foals. The band is led in its daily routine of grazing and watering by the lead mare.

Wild horses are shy creatures and must be approached with caution. Wild horses run instinctively when in danger, but a stallion can show aggression when he fears his band is being threatened. When searching for bands of wild horses, stud piles are the first sign of horse activities. These large piles of manure are territorial markings left by rival males. Recent horse activity is determined by the freshness of these piles.

Adoption Information

Adopter Stories

Read a number of testimonials from participants in the BLM's Wild Horse program.

Jackie McCormick is very proud of her BLM horse and loves to tell stories about him. She seems almost proud of the fact that "he was skin and bones and had ticks all over him" when her husband Darrell adopted him. She said it took almost 6 months just to get him to eat grain out of their hand. Through their patience and dedication they made a life changing difference in a mustang that has become one of their greatest pride and joys. more>>

--excerpt from Big Bear Paw