NASA: National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationEarth Observatory

NASA News: July 2003

  1. June 2003
  2. August 2003
  1. NASA Observations Confirm Expected Ozone Layer Recovery July 29, 2003

    NASA satellite observations have provided the first evidence the rate of ozone depletion in the Earth's upper atmosphere is decreasing.

  2. Cool "Eyes" Above Help Track Hot Fires Below July 22, 2003

    NASA satellites' "eyes" above Earth are providing scientists and fire managers with powerful monitoring tools.

  3. USA-France Tandem Satellite Mission Serving Up Fresh Sea Fare July 21, 2003

    Take one well-seasoned oceanography satellite, the joint NASA-CNES (French Space Agency) Topex/Poseidon, nearing its 11th year in orbit to study the world's ocean circulation and its effect on climate, mix in a fresh sibling satellite, Jason, and add a dash of ingenuity, and you get what scientists are calling the Jason-Topex/Poseidon tandem mission.

  4. Oceanographers Catch First Wave of Gravity Mission's Success July 21, 2003

    The joint NASA-German Aerospace Center Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission has released its first science product, the most accurate map yet of Earth's gravity field.

  5. Satellites See Lightning Strikes In Ozone's Origins July 18, 2003

    NASA-funded scientists use four satellites to tell where low level ozone pollution comes from and whether it was manmade or natural.

  6. Dust Deals Droughts, Deluges July 15, 2003

    Dust from the Sahara Desert in Africa may help modify clouds and rainfall both in Africa and across the tropical North Atlantic, as far away as Barbados, according to a study that uses 16 years of data from NASA satellites, ground measurements and computer models.

  7. NASA Data Mining Reveals a New History of Natural Disasters July 8, 2003

    NASA is using satellite data to paint a detailed global picture of the interplay among natural disasters, human activities and the rise of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere during the past 20 years.

  8. NASA Helps Reclaim 15,100 Acres of San Francisco Bay Salt Ponds July 7, 2003

    NASA technology is helping state and federal governments reclaim 15,100 acres of salt evaporation ponds in South San Francisco Bay, during one of the nation's largest restoration projects.