NASA: National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationEarth Observatory

NASA News: March 2005

  1. February 2005
  2. April 2005
  1. NASA Study Finds Soot May Be Changing the Arctic Environment March 23, 2005

    New findings show soot may be contributing to changes happening near the North Pole, such as accelerating melting of sea ice and snow and changing atmospheric temperatures.

  2. NASA Researchers Use Imaging Radar to Detect Coastal Pollution March 17, 2005

    A NASA-funded study of marine pollution in Southern California concluded space-based synthetic aperture radar can be a vital observational tool for assessing and monitoring ocean hazards in urbanized coastal regions.

  3. NASA Team Provides Pilots Better Weather Information March 10, 2005

    NASA is bringing better weather information to pilots and forecasters with the help of airborne sensors installed on a fleet of commuter airliners.

  4. NASA Finds Lightning Clears Safe Zone in Earth's Radiation Belt March 8, 2005

    Lightning in clouds, only a few miles above the ground, clears a safe zone in the radiation belts thousands of miles above the Earth, according to NASA-funded researchers.

  5. NASA Study Suggests Giant Space Clouds Iced Earth March 5, 2005

    Eons ago, giant clouds in space may have led to global extinctions, according to two recent technical papers supported by NASA's Astrobiology Institute.

  6. Satellite Sees Ocean Plants Increase, Coasts Greening March 2, 2005

    NASA researchers used satellite data from 1998 to 2003 to show that phytoplankton amounts have increased globally by more than 4 percent.

  7. NASA Research Aids UNESCO Global Conservation Efforts March 1, 2005

    NASA signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) today with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to foster improved global conservation through increased use of NASA Earth science research and remote sensing data.