NASA: National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationEarth Observatory

NASA News: February 2009

  1. January 2009
  2. March 2009
  1. NASA Study Finds 'Pre-Existing Condition' Fueled Killer Cyclone February 26, 2009

    A "pre-existing condition" stoked the sudden intensification of last year's Tropical Cyclone Nargis just before its devastating landfall in Burma.

  2. NASA Names Chairman for Orbiting Carbon Observatory Investigation February 25, 2009

    NASA's Rick Obenschain, deputy director at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., will lead the investigation board for the unsuccessful launch of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory.

  3. NASA's Launch of Carbon-Seeking Satellite is Unsuccessful February 24, 2009

    NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory satellite failed to reach orbit after its 4:55 a.m. EST liftoff Tuesday from California's Vandenberg Air Force Base. Preliminary indications are that the fairing on the Taurus XL launch vehicle failed to separate.

  4. 2008 Was Earth's Coolest Year Since 2000 February 23, 2009

    The GISS analysis also showed that 2008 is the ninth warmest year since continuous instrumental records were started in 1880.

  5. Orbiting Carbon Observatory Aims to Boost Carbon Management Options February 19, 2009

    As the concentration of heat-trapping carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere continues to rise, so also do efforts to find solutions to this global problem.

  6. NASA-Funded Carbon Dioxide Map of U.S. Released on Google Earth February 19, 2009

    Interactive maps that detail carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion are now available on the popular Google Earth platform.

  7. Scientists Find Black Gold Amidst Overlooked Data February 18, 2009

    Scientists found that they could detect oil seeping naturally from the seafloor of the Gulf of Mexico by examining streaks amid the reflected sunlight on the ocean's surface.

  8. NASA Study Predicted Outbreak of Deadly Virus February 13, 2009

    2009-02-13 – An early warning system, more than a decade in development, successfully predicted the 2006-2007 outbreak of the deadly Rift Valley fever in northeast Africa, according to a new study led by NASA scientists.

  9. NASA Mission Meets the Carbon Dioxide Measurement Challenge February 10, 2009

    2009-02-10 – For Orbiting Carbon Observatory Principal Investigator David Crisp of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., and his team, the logical solution was an Earth-orbiting spacecraft. But shopping for a science instrument that could accomplish these objectives was no easy task.

  10. NOAA-N Prime Environmental Satellite Successfully Launched February 6, 2009

    A new environmental satellite that will improve weather forecasting and monitor environmental events around the world soared into space this morning after a picture-perfect launch.

  11. NOAA-N Prime Update February 5, 2009

    The launch of the NOAA-N Prime weather satellite for NASA and NOAA aboard a United Launch Alliance Delta II rocket has been postponed for an additional 24 hours.

  12. NASA Satellites Capture Sea Surface Heights Around the World February 5, 2009

    An artist's rendering shows a "family portrait" of NASA satellites that collect data about sea surface heights around the world.