Comment Number: OL-100044
Received: 12/13/2004 7:32:43 PM
Commenter: Robert Daniels
State: PA
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Notice Announcing Public Workshop and Requesting Public Comment and Participation
Docket ID: Not yet available
No Attachments


I understand that you are conducting hearings on p2p matters on the internet. It is my belief that the internet is the most important development in communications in the last 100 years. By attempting to regulate it you will destroy the freedom we as citizens of this nation are permited by our constitution. No one is hurt by the free and unimpeded use of the internet. The large businesses which are requesting that you regulate the internet are doing this for their own financial good and not the general good of the citizens of the USA. You must realize that the more control you give to the largest business and interests the closer we come to a socialist nation that is controled by the few. The internet is a threat to those who want that control because it now allows us the freedom of non regulated action. Your awareness of this is as important as anything that you do. Thanks for reading and considering this statement.