Comment Number: OL-100019
Received: 11/15/2004 4:10:40 AM
Commenter: David Harrison
State: Not in the US
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Notice Announcing Public Workshop and Requesting Public Comment and Participation
Docket ID: Not yet available
No Attachments


Using the File-Sharing Network as a Dedicated Network Architecture. This covers the use of a distributed file-sharing network as a processing host for entirely distributed appplications (DAPPs) that are more robust than any individual host. Even large corporations could securely distribute their processing tasks as 'dapplets'. It suggests a new browser as a file-sharing node by default, and an example of a DAPP offering entirely secure and anonymous use of the internet. File sharing may currently be a medium for the illegal swapping of music and video. It will become the primary computer processing architecture for much computing, business and domestic, and of fundamental importance to all digital economies. Your processing power will no longer be dependent upon your CPUs or your bandwidth, as dapplets will not work from a host but be entirely distributed.