NASA: National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationEarth Observatory

NASA News: August 2005

  1. July 2005
  2. September 2005
  1. NASA Researchers Back Home after Successful Tropical Storm Tracking Mission in Costa Rica August 31, 2005

    Researchers are drying off after a successful tropical cyclone research mission based in Costa Rica, where scientists tracked two major Atlantic Ocean hurricanes at the height of their destructive power, witnessed the entire lifecycle of tropical storms in the Atlantic and documented a number of unexpected surprises about the short, violent lives of these seagoing tempests.

  2. NASA/NOAA Announce Major Weather Forecasting Advancement August 23, 2005

    NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) outlined new research that has helped improve the accuracy of medium-range weather forecasts in the Northern Hemisphere.

  3. Sea Ice May Be on Increase in the Antarctic: A Phenomenon Due to a Lot of "Hot Air"? August 16, 2005

    A new NASA-funded study finds that predicted increases in precipitation due to warmer air temperatures from greenhouse gas emissions may actually increase sea ice volume in the Antarctic's Southern Ocean.

  4. Volcanic Blast Location Influences Climate Reaction August 11, 2005

    New research funded by NASA and the National Science Foundation shows that major volcanic eruptions far north of the equator affect the world's climate much differently than volcanoes in the tropics.