Comment Number: 522418-13240
Received: 9/20/2006 12:36:11 PM
Commenter: Michael Crosby
State: MN
Subject: Business Opportunity Rule
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 437
No Attachments


I have read some of the comments about R511993. Most pro MLM coments site that the 7-day waiting period is draconian... I see no basis for this claim. In fact I would feel more comfortable with a prohabition on trying to get people into the opportunity in the first year. The whole litmus test for non pyramid schemes is marketing a product and being able to sustain some income doing ONLY that. If prospects were forced to market products for a year BEFORE joining the revolution these schemes might hold up a bit longer. As for the 7 days, well atleast it will give people the opportunity to step back and examine the opportunity rather than getting caught up in any hype. It seems many responders fail to grasp the lawsuit area as well. As I read it, past actions against the company and those involved would need to be disclosed. Any and all, not just those dealing with the company. The oposition claims that they will be unfairly penalized by negative impressions. Let them list the suits and descisions then to aleviate this. However removing this section is no answer. Knowing who your dealing with and what they might have done in the past is key to forming a good plan. As for the 10 consultant rule, many claim this will also make it hard. Some even claim the fear of identity theft as an issue. What a crock. These companies require you to give them your SS# and in some cases you supply it to your upline so they can enroll you. Talk about Identity theft! At the least the 10 references close to you will give you SOME idea how the market in your area is saturated. The biggest area is in the income claims. How many of these comments have said look at all the other industries that make claims. Sure some do but this is meant to stem the tide of Pyramid schemes that seem to be oozing out of the woodwork so lets focus on that goal and work on others later. How many of these schemes will be hurt by revealing the true earnings? at least 99.9% in my opinion and that is being conservative. It is definately in the intrest of the public to know what the true odds of success are in the industry rather than the bloated numbers that they throw around themselves. Thank you for your time and effort. MCC