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Bureau of Economic Analysis

Survey of Current Business

Table of Contents
 June 1996

Selected articles may be accessed by clicking on the links below. (An Acrobat (PDF) version of the table of contents is also available; however, links to other files will work only when you use Acrobat Reader 4.0.)

Special in this issue

52 BEA’s Mid-Decade Strategic Plan: A Progress Report (PDF)

BEA has made substantial progress in implementing the improvements in its national, regional, and international accounts that were proposed in last year’s Mid-Decade Strategic Plan. Improvements in output measures include the introduction of a chain-type weighting scheme for calculating changes in real GDP and the incorporation of quality-adjusted prices of exports and imports of semiconductors. Improvements in measures of investment and saving include the adoption of the treatment of government purchases of structures and equipment as investment, and the introduction of a new methodology for calculating depreciation. Improvements in the coverage of international transactions include conducting the first benchmark survey of international trade in financial services and redesigning BEA’s surveys to collect detailed data on multinational companies” international trade and services.

56 Metropolitan Area and BEA Economic Area Projections of Economic Activity and Population to the Year 2005 (PDF)

According to BEA’s regional projections to 2005, the 20 metropolitan areas with the fastest projected growth in employment are all located in California, elsewhere in the West, or in Florida. In contrast, most of the 20 metropolitan areas with the slowest projected growth in employment are located in, or near, the Great Lakes and Mideast regions.

Regular features

1 Business Situation (PDF)

Real GDP increased 2.3 percent in the first quarter of 1996, up from a 0.5-percent increase in the fourth quarter of 1995. Corporate profits increased $24.2 billion, up from an increase of $3.7 billion. The Federal Government current deficit edged up to $155.7 billion, and the State and local government surplus decreased to $86.6 billion.

75 Local Area Personal Income, 1992–94 (PDF)

Seven of the ten metropolitan areas with the highest per capita personal income in 1994 are located in the New York-New Jersey-Long Island consolidated metropolitan statistical area. The 10 areas with the lowest per capita personal income are generally located in the Southeast or Southwest regions.

Reports and statistical presentations

12 National Income and Product Accounts (PDF)

12 Selected NIPA Tables

36  NIPA Charts

38 Reconciliation and Other Special Tables

39 Comprehensive NIPA Revision: Newly Available Tables

49 Selected Monthly Estimates (PDF)

51 Errata: Real Inventories, Sales, and Inventory-Sales Ratios (PDF)

101 Subject Guide: Volume 76 1996, Numbers 1–6 (PDF)

Inside back cover: BEA Information (PDF)

(A listing of recent BEA publications available from the Government Printing Office)

Back Cover:  Schedule of Upcoming BEA News Releases (PDF)



National Income and Product Accounts. As noted last month, because BEA has placed top priority on getting release of its current estimates back on schedule and on completing the comprehensive revision of the NIPA’s, this summer’s annual revision will be limited in scope. The next annual revision will be in summer 1997, when all NIPA-related data from the comprehensive revision will be complete and work on key data improvement projects should be available for incorporation into the accounts.

Annual Revision of the U.S. International Transactions Accounts. An article presenting revised estimates of U.S. international transactions and discussing major sources of the revisions will appear in the July SURVEY. Selected data will be available as of June 20.