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Bureau of Economic Analysis

Survey of Current Business

Table of Contents
June 2001

S pecial in this issue

22 An Upcoming Change in the NIPA Presentation of Private Inventories by Industry (PDF)

A note describing the changes in the NIPA tables that will result from the conversion of the inventory estimates by industry from the Standard Industrial Classification system to the North American Industry Classification System.

36 Convergence in State Per Capita Personal Income, 1950-99 (PDF)

The differences in per capita personal incomes among the States narrowed from 1950 to 1979 but have not narrowed since. This pattern largely reflects the pattern of per capita earnings, the largest component of personal income. Dividends, interest, and rent showed the strongest pattern of convergence through 1979 and continued to show some convergence through 1999. Transfers converged until 1979 but showed little evidence of convergence thereafter.

R egular features

1 Business Situation (PDF)

Real GDP increased 1.3 percent in the first quarter of 2001, according to the "preliminary" estimate; the "advance" estimate issued last month had shown a 2.0-percent increase. The downward revision was largely accounted for by downward revisions to private nonfarm inventories and personal consumption expenditures for nondurable goods and by an upward revision to imports of goods. Corporate profits declined $21.3 billion (2.3 percent at a quarterly rate). The Federal Government current surplus increased $2.4 billion, to $279.4 billion, and the State and local government current surplus fell $22.8 billion, to $40.3 billion.


27 Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: New Investment in 2000 (PDF)

Outlays by foreign direct investors to acquire or establish businesses in the United States increased to a record $320.9 billion in 2000. Outlays have been exceptionally large for the past 3 years, reflecting continued strong growth in the U.S. economy and substantial numbers of very large investments. Nearly half of the outlays in 1998-2000 were in manufacturing, especially in petroleum and coal products and in computers and electronic products. Outside manufacturing, outlays were largest in information and in finance.




R eports and statistical presentations

20 Real Inventories, Sales, and Inventory-Sales Ratios for Manufacturing and Trade, 2001:I  (PDF)

49 Subject Guide for the January-June 2001 issues (PDF)

D-1 BEA Current and Historical Data (PDF)

                          National Estimates

D-2 Selected NIPA Tables (PDF)

D-29 Other NIPA and NIPA-Related Tables (PDF)

D-38 Historical Measures (PDF)

D-41 Domestic Perspectives (PDF)

D-43 Charts (PDF)

                            International Estimates

D-51 Transactions Tables (PDF)

D-57 Investment Tables (PDF)

D-62 International Perspectives (PDF)

D-64 Charts (PDF)

                          Regional Estimates

D-65 State and Regional Tables (PDF)

D-69 Local Area Table (PDF)

D-71 Charts (PDF)


D-73 Additional Information About the NIPA Estimates (PDF)

D-75 Suggested Reading (PDF)


Inside back cover: Getting BEA's Estimates

Back cover: Schedule of Upcoming BEA News Releases


Looking Ahead

Annual Revision of the U.S. International Transactions Accounts. An article summarizing the revisions to the estimates of U.S. international transactions and discussing the major sources of these revisions will be published in the July Survey. Most of the revisions will affect the estimates for 1996-2000. Selected revised estimates will be available on June 21 as part of the release of the estimates of U.S. international transactions for the first quarter of 2001.