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March 2003 - Volume 83 - Number 3

Business Situation: Preliminary Estimates for the Fourth Quarter of 2002

Real GDP increased 1.4 percent in the fourth quarter of 2002, according to the "preliminary" estimate, after increasing 4.0 percent in the third quarter. The "advance" estimate issued last month had shown a 0.7-percent increase in the fourth quarter. The upward revision was mainly attributable to an upward revision to inventory investment. The price index for gross domestic purchases increased 1.6 percent after increasing 1.2 percent. The advance estimate had shown a 1.8-percent increase.
(PDF) (Tables in XLS format)

Federal Budget Estimates, Fiscal Year 2004

Each year, BEA prepares an adjusted presentation of the administration's budget estimates (as presented in Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2004) that is consistent with the framework of the NIPA's. The fiscal year relationships derived from the budget estimates are then used in preparing BEA's current quarterly estimates of Federal Government receipts and expenditures. For fiscal year 2004, the Federal current deficit on the NIPA basis is estimated at $301.2 billion, compared with the deficit of $307.4 billion in the administration's budget.
(PDF) (Tables in XLS format)

BEA's Regional Accounts

BEA's regional accounts present estimates of State personal income, of personal income for counties, metropolitan areas, and BEA economic areas, and of gross state product. These estimates are consistent with the estimates of personal income and gross domestic product that are presented in BEA's national income and product accounts. BEA also prepares regional economic multipliers that can be used to estimate the effects of the changes in the output of one or more industries in an area on the output, employment, and labor earnings in the other industries in the area.

Looking Ahead

Households and Nonprofit Institutions. An article that introduces a new NIPA presentation that shows incomes and outlays for households separately from those for nonprofit institutions is scheduled for publication in the April issue of the Survey . The separate estimates will facilitate analyses of the differences in saving, expenditures, and other economic behavior between these two types of institutional units.

State Government and Local Government Receipts and Expenditures. An article that provides separate estimates of the finances of State governments and of local governments is scheduled for publication in the April issue of the Survey . The article will analyze trends in State government receipts and expenditures and in local government receipts and expenditures for 1959-2001.

BEA Current and Historical Data

National Data

  • Selected NIPA tables (PDF) 
  • Other NIPA and NIPA-related tables (PDF)
  • Historical measures (PDF)
  • Domestic perspectives (PDF)
  • Charts (PDF)

International Data

  • Transactions tables (PDF)
  • Investment tables (PDF)
  • International perspectives (PDF)
  • Charts (PDF)

Regional Data

  • State and regional tables (PDF)
  • Local area table (PDF)
  • Charts (PDF)


  • Additional information about the NIPA estimates (PDF)
  • Suggested reading (PDF)