Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge
Midwest Region


October 4, 2008 Wild Goose Chase 5 K Run Results and 5 K Walk Results

Junior Duck Stamp art contest deadline is March 15, 2009
Check out the Friends of Shiawassee NWR. Membership is FREE!
Click here to see the latest refuge accomplishments
Refuge Photo Contest Information


About Us

Calendar of Events

Environmental Education


Other Recreation


Friends of Shiawassee NWR


Michigan Junior Duck Stamp

Refuge Reporter Newsletter

Documents and Brochures


Refuge Quick Facts

Duck Stamp photo

2008 Federal Duck Stamp Contest

Contact Us:

6975 Mower Road
Saginaw, MI 48601

Phone: 989-777-5930
or e-mail us at

Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge, one of over 540 National Wildlife Refuges across the country, is dedicated to preserving and enhancing wildlife habitat, protecting migratory birds, and providing opportunities for wildlife-oriented recreation and nature study for Saginaw and surrounding communities.

Refuge Fact Sheet

Download Refuge Brochure (PDF file - 802 KB)


The refuge spans 9,501 acres of bottomland-hardwood forests, rivers, marshes, managed pools, fields and croplands. It lies just south of the City of Saginaw. Located in the MIssissippi Flyway, the Refuge hosts over 270 species of birds each year. Thousands of ducks, geese and other waterfowl stop to refuel at the Refuge during the spring and fall migration. The American Birding Association designated the Refuge a "U.S. Important Bird Area" because of the southern James Bay Canada geese that use the Refuge. Thousands of people visit the refuge each year to enjoy its diverse wildlife and habitats,

The Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge was established on October 21, 1953 and is administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

For more information contact:
Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge
6975 Mower Road
Saginaw, MI 48601

Phone: 989-777-5930
or e-mail us at

Last updated: July 28, 2009