NASA: National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationEarth Observatory

Media Alerts: October 1999

  1. September 1999
  2. November 1999
  1. Ocean "Fuel Injectors" Linked to Hurricane Intensification October 28, 1999

    Sudden and unexpected intensification of some hurricanes just before landfall leaves little time to warn people and almost no time to evacuate. A University of Miami scientist has identified the probable cause of these sudden intensifications and mapped some of the hot spots where this season's hurricanes are likely to strengthen just before landfall. (University of Miami release)

  2. Sea Level Rise Tied To Coastal Tree Deaths In Florida October 14, 1999

    Researchers in Florida investigating the deaths of coastal trees have concluded that the trees are falling victim to saltwater exposure tied to global sea level rise. The phenomenon may be a more immediate threat to coastal forests on Florida's west coast than commonly recognized, according to the seven-year study published in the journal Ecology. (University of Florida release)

  3. Scientists look for signs of pollution in the superhighway in the sky October 5, 1999

    If you think traffic is getting worse on your commute, you're not alone. Hundreds of commercial airline flights carry thousands of passengers from the U.S. to Europe each day- traveling along what has become the busiest jet super highway in the world: the Atlantic corridor. Could all of that air traffic exhaust be a detriment to the atmosphere at 35,000 feet the way that auto exhaust pollutes the air we breathe?