Energy Management Report

GovEnergy Registration

Federal Agencies are required to submit an Energy Management Report annually. The report format is provided by the Department of Energy's Federal Energy Management Program. The format and content has changed several times since 2004 due to the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and Executive Order 13423. It will likely change again for FY 2008 due to the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007.

In addition to providing the report to the Department of Energy, which compiles a report for the Federal Government, by law, DoD also provides the report directly to the congressional defense committees.

In order to make comparison of data from one year to another, it is important to review the guidelines that were used to compile the report. Data listed under similar titles may not be consistently reported due to legislative changes year to year.

Submitted Annual Energy Management Reports

The Department of Defense reported the following information in their annual report to the President.