Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. PSARC (Sigurdsson report)

    Project Investigators: Steinn Sigurdsson

    Other Project Members

    Avi Mandell (Doctoral Student)
    Kenneth Moody (Doctoral Student)


    Theoretical modeling of planetary dynamics, in particular the later stages of planet formation and the role of giant planet migration in the formation of terrestrial planets. Also, direct detection of planets around burned out stars using existing space based telescopes, and planets around pulsars.

    Astrobiology Roadmap Objectives:

    Project Progress

    Theoretical model of post-migration planet formation worked on; followup research on pulsar planets,; new line of research on eccentricity excitation of short orbital period giant planets. Four papers published.
    Analysis of Spitzer Space Telescope data completed, two papers published.
    Hubble Space Telescope time to followup observation doing direct imaging search for giant planets around nearby white dwarfs obtained in current cycle (w. Debes at DTM), analysis in progress. Theoretical paper on ejected terrestrial planets published.
    Mandell completed PhD thesis and is starting a NPP postdoc at NAI GSFC center in August 2007.
    Review conference proceedings paper with Moody on planet around pulsars published.

    DDF funding for “Extreme Habitability” session associated with “Extreme Solar Systems” conference.

    Cross-Team Collaborations

    Debes at NAI Carnegie DTM – ongoing direct detection searches for planets around white dwarfs, using Hubble and Spitzer.
    Mandell at NAI GSFC – theoretical modeling of planet formation.
    Hansen at NAI UCLA – planets around white dwarfs.


Sigurdsson, S., Stairs, I.H., Moody, K., Arzoumanian, Z. & Thorsett, S.E.  (2008).  Planets Around Pulsars in Globular Clusters.  ASP Conf Ser..