#....System name: Employment Under Commercial Activities Contracts.

System location: 
Records on former employees are located at the civilian Federal agency from where the employee was involuntarily separated and at the commercial contract activity.

Categories of individuals covered by the system:
Former Federal employees involuntarily separated from Government employment as a result of a commercial activity contract.

Categories of records in the system:
Records in the system include name and social security number of employees involuntarily separated from Government employment as a result of a contract and who accepted or rejected offers of employment and the monetary value of pay and benefits offered.

Authority for maintenance of the system:
Title 5 CFR 550.701(b)(6); E.O. 11257, November 17, 1965; and FPR Temporary Regulation 63, Supplement 1.

The purpose of the system is to provide Government agencies with necessary information on former Federal employees hired by contractors to ensure the proper distributions of severance pay by the Government.

Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categories of users and the purposes of such uses:
       a. In the event that a record indicates a violation or potential violation of law, whether civil, criminal, or regulatory in nature, and whether arising by general statute or particular program statute, or by regulation, rule, or order issued pursuant thereto, the relevant records in the system of records may be referred, as a routine use, to the appropriate agency, whether Federal, State, or local, charged with the responsibility of investigation or prosecuting such violation or charged with enforcing or implementing the statute or rule, regulation, or order issued pursuant thereto.
       b. A record from this system of records may be disclosed to a Member of Congress or to a Congressional staff member in response to an inquiry of the Congressional office made at the request of the individual about whom the record is maintained.
       c. A record from this system if records may be disclosed to the commercial activity contractor to provide the contractor with the necessary information on former Federal employees who could receive employment offers from the contractor.
       d. A record from this system of records may be disclosed to a Federal agency, in response to its request, in connection with the hiring or retention of any employee to the extent that the 
   information is relevant and necessary to the requesting agency's decision on the matter.
       e. A record from this system of records may be disclosed to an authorized appeal or grievance examiner, formal complaints examiner, equal employment opportunity investigator, arbitrator, or other duly authorized official engaged in investigation or settlement of a grievance, complaint, or appeal filed by an employee. A record from this system of records may be disclosed to the Office of Personnel Management in accordance with the agency's responsibility for   evaluation of Federal personal management.
       f. The information contained in this system of records may be disclosed to the Office of Management and Budget in connection with the review of private relief legislation at any stage of the legislative coordination and clearance process.
       g. The information contained in this system of records may be disclosed to officials of labor organizations recognized under 5 U.S.C. chapter 71 when relevant and necessary to their duties of exclusive representation concerning personnel policies, practices, and matters affecting working conditions.

Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, and disposing of records in the system: 
       The records are maintained in file folders and on lists and forms.
       These records are retrieved by name and by Social Security Number.
       When not in use by an authorized person, the records are stored in lockable file cabinets or in secured rooms. Information is released only to authorized officials on a need-to-know basis.
     Retention and disposal: 
       Records in this system are to be retained for 4 years similar to the contractor requirements of FPR 1-20.301-2(a).
System manager(s) and address: 
Personnel officer of the department or agency where a subject individual was last employed.
Notification procedure: 
Individuals wishing to inquire whether this system of records contains information about them should contact the contracting officer or personnel officer at the agency where the individual was 
last employed. Individuals must furnish the following information for their records to be located and identified: Full name and the department of agency and component at which previously employed.

Record access procedures:
Individuals wishing to request access to their records should contact the contracting officer or personnel officer where the individual was last employed. Individuals must furnish their full 
name and department or agency and component with which employed in order for their records to be located and identified.

Contesting record procedures: 
Individuals wishing to request amendment of their records should contact the department or agency contracting officer or personnel officer at the activity where they were last employed. Individuals must furnish their full name and the name of their last employing agency, including duty station.

Record source categories: 
Information in this system is provided by the personnel office, contracting officer, and finance officer of the department or agency where the individual was last employed and from the commercial activites contractor.

   #.. GSA/GOVT-3

   #....System name: Travel Charge Card Program.

System location:
This system of records is located in the finance office of the local installation of the Department or Agency which the individual travelled. Records necessary for the contractor to perform under the contract are located at the contractor's facility.

Categories of individuals covered by the system: 
Individuals covered by the system are current Federal employees who have their own Government assigned charge card and all other Federal employees and authorized individuals using the GTS account number who are all on travel.
Categories of records in the system:
Records include name, address, social security number, employment information, telephone numbers, information needed for identification verification, travel authorizations and vouchers, charge card applications, charge card receipts, terms and conditions for use of charge cards, and monthly reports from contractor(s) showing charges to individual account numbers, balances, and other types of account analyses.
Authority for maintenance of the system: 
5 U.S.C. 5707 and implementing Federal Travel Regulations, FPMR 101-7.
To assemble in one system information to provide Government agencies with (1) necessary information on the commercial travel and transportation payment and expense control system which provides travelers charge cards and the agency an account number for official travel and related travel expenses on a worldwide basis, (2) attendant operational and control support, and (3) management information reports for expense control purposes.
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categories of users and the purposes of such uses:
       a. To disclose information to a Federal, State, local, or foreign agency responsible for investigating, prosecuting, enforcing, or carrying out a statute, rule, regulation, or order, where the General Services Administration becomes aware of a violation or potential violation of civil or criminal law or regulation.
       b. To disclose information to a Member of Congress or a congressional staff member in response to an inquiry from that congressional office made in behalf of a constituent.
       c. To disclose information to the contractor in providing necessary information for issuing credit cards.
       d. To disclose information to a requesting Federal agency in connection with hiring or retaining an employee; issuing a security clearance; reporting an employee investigation; clarifying a job; letting a contract; or issuing a license, grant, or other benefit by the requesting agency where the information is relevant and necessary for a decision.
       e. To disclose information to an appeal, grievance, or formal complaints examiner; equal employment opportunity investigator; arbitrator; exclusive representative; or other official engaged in investigating, or settling a grievance, complaint, or appeal filed by an employee.
       f. To disclose information to officials of labor organizations recognized under Pub. L. 95-454, when necessary to their duties of exclusive representation on personnel policies, practices, and 
   matters affecting working conditions.
       g. To disclose information to a Federal agency for accummulating reporting data and monitoring the system.
       h. To disclose information in the form of listings, reports, and records of all common carrier transactions including refunds and adjustments to GSA by the contractor to enable audits of carrier charges to the Government.
       i. To disclose information to GSA contract agents assigned to participating agencies for billing of travel expenses.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, and disposing of records in the system: 
       Paper records in file folders. Computer records within a computer and attached equipment.
       Filed by name, Social Security Number, and/or credit card number.
       Paper records stored in lockable file cabinets or secured rooms. Computerized records protected by use of access codes and entry logs.  There is restricted access to credit card account numbers.
     Retention and disposal: 
       Records are kept for 3 years and then destroyed.
System manager(s) and address:
Director, Office of Transportation Office of Federal Supply and  Services, General Services Administration (FT), Crystal Mall Building 4, 1941 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202.
Notification procedure:
Inquiries by individuals should be addressed to the agency Finance Officer for which they travelled.

Record access procedures: 
Requests from individuals should be addressed to the agency Finance Officer for which they travelled. Individuals must furnish their full name and the authorizing department or agency and component of their records to be located and identified.
Contesting record procedures: 
Individuals wishing to request amendment of their records should contact the agency Finance Officer for which they travelled. Individuals must furnish their full name and the authorizing agency and component for which the individual travelled.
Record source categories:
Charge card applications, monthly reports from the contractor, travel authorizations and vouchers, and data interchanged between agencies.

   #.. GSA/GOVT-4

   #....System name: Contracted Travel Services Program.

System location:
This system of records is located in the travel agencies under contract with a Federal agency and in the administrative offices of Federal agencies.

Categories of individuals covered by the system: 
Individuals covered by the system are current Federal employees on travel and individuals being provided travel by the Government.

Categories of records in the system:
Records include traveler's profile which contains name of individual, social security number, home and office telephones, agency's name, address, and telephone number, air travel preference, rental car identification number and preference of car, hotel preference, current passport and/or visa number, personal credit card numbers, and additional information; travel authorization; and monthly reports from travel agent(s) showing charges to individuals,    balances, and other types of account analyses.
Authority for maintenance of the system: 
31 U.S.C. 711; interpret or apply 31 U.S.C. 3511, 3512, and 3523.
To assemble in one system information to enable travel agents who are under contract to the Federal Government to issue and account for travel provided to individuals.
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categories of users and the purposes of such uses:
       a. To disclose information to a Federal, State, local, or foreign agency responsible for investigating, prosecuting, enforcing, or carrying out a statute, rule, regulation, or order, where the gencies become aware of a violation or potential violation of civil or criminal law or regulation.
       b. To disclose information to another Federal agency or a court when the Government is party to a judicial proceeding.
       c. To disclose information to a Member of Congress or a congressional staff member in response to an inquiry from that congressional office made at the request of that individual.
       d. To disclose information to an expert, a consultant, or contractor of the agency in performing a Federal duty.
       e. To disclose information to a credit card company for billing purposes.
       f. To disclose information to a Federal agency for accumulating reporting data and monitoring the system.
       g. To disclose information to the agency by the contractor in the form of itemized statements or invoices, and reports of all transactions including refunds and adjustments to enable audits of 
   charges to the Government.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, and disposing of records in the system: 
       Paper records in file cabinets. Computer records within a computer and attached equipment.
       Filed by name and/or social security number at each location.
       Records stored in lockable file cabinets or secured rooms. Computerized records protected by password system. Information  released only to authorized officials on a need-to-know basis.
     Retention and disposal: 
       Records kept by the Federal agency are held for 3 years and then destroyed. Records kept by the travel agency are held and destroyed no longer than 3 years.
System manager(s) and address: 
Director, Office of Transportation, Office of Federal Supply and Services, General Services Administration (FT), Crystal Mall Building 4, 1941 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202.
Notification procedure: 
Inquiries from individuals should be addressed to the appropriate agency's administrative office for which they traveled.
Record access procedures: 
Requests from individuals should be addressed to the appropriate agency's administrative office for which they traveled. Individuals must furnish their full name and the authorizing department or agency and components for their records to be located and identified.
Contesting record procedures: 
Individuals wishing to request amendment of their records should contact the appropriate agency's administrative office for which they traveled. Individuals must furnish their full name and the name of the authorizing agency, including duty station where they were employed when traveling if applicable.

Record source categories: 
Individuals, employees, travel authorization, credit card companies.


   #....System name: Access Certificates for Electronic Services (ACES).
System location: 
System records are maintained for the General Services Administration (GSA) by contractors at various physical locations. A complete list of locations is available from: Administrative Contracting Officer, FEDCAC, Federal Technology Service, General Services Administration, 7th and D Streets, SW, Room 5060, Washington, DC 20407; telephone (202) 708-6099.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: 
Individuals covered are persons who have applied for the issuance of a digital signature certificate under the ACES program; have had their certificates amended, renewed, replaced, suspended, revoked, or denied; have used their certificates to electronically make contact with, retrieve information from, or submit information to an automated information system of a participating agency; have requested access to ACES records under the Freedom of Information Act  (FOIA) or Privacy Act; and have corresponded with GSA or its ACES contractors concerning ACES services.
Categories of records in the system: 
The system contains information needed to establish and verify the identity of ACES users, to maintain the system, and to establish accountability and audit controls. System records include:
       a. Applications for the issuance, amendment, renewal, replacement, or revocation of digital signature certificates under the ACES program, including evidence provided by applicants or proof of identity and authority, and sources used to verify an applicant's identify and authority.
       b. Certificates issued.
       c. Certificates denied, suspended, and revoked, including reasons for denial, suspension, and revocation.
       d. A list of currently valid certificates.
       e. A list of currently invalid certificates.
       f. A file of individuals requesting access and those granted access to ACES information under FOIA or the Privacy Act.
       g. A file of individuals requesting access and those granted access for reasons other than FOIA or the Privacy Act.
       h. A record of validation transactions attempted on digital signature certificates issued by the system.
       i. A record of validation transactions completed on digital signature certificates issued by the system.
Authority for maintenance of the system:
Section 5124(b) of the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996, 40 U.S.C. 1424, which provides authority for GSA to develop and facilitate governmentwide electronic commerce resources and services, and the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq., which provides authority for GSA to manage Federal information resources.

To establish and maintain an electronic system to facilitate secure, on-line communication between Federal automated information systems and the public, using digital signature technologies to authenticate and verify identity.
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categories of users and the purposes of such uses:
Information from this system may be disclosed as a routine use:
       a. To GSA ACES program contractors to compile and maintain documentation on applicants for proofing applicants' identity and their authority to access information system applications of 
   participating agencies.
       b. To GSA ACES program contractors to establish and maintain documentation on information sources for verifying applicants' identities.
       c. To Federal agencies participating in the ACES program to determine the validity of applicants' digital signature certificates in an on-line, near real time environment.
       d. To GSA, participating Federal agencies, and ACES contractors, for ensuring proper management, ensuring data accuracy, and evaluation of the system.
       e. To Federal, State, local or foreign agencies responsible for investigating, prosecuting, enforcing, or carrying out a statute, rule, regulation, or order when GSA becomes awares of a violation or potential violation of civil or criminal law or regulation.
       f. To a member of Congress or to a congressional staff member in response to a request from the person who is the subject of the record.
       g. To an expert, consultant, or contractor of GSA in the performance of a Federal duty to which the information is relevant.
Disclosure to consumer reporting agencies:
Disclosure of system records to consumer reporting systems is not permitted.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, and disposing of records in the system:
       All records are stored by GSA ACES contractors or by GSA as hard copy documents and/or on electronic media.
       Records are retrievable by a personal identifier or by other appropriate type of designation approved by GSA and made available to ACES participants at the time of their application for ACES services.
       System records are safeguarded in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act, the Computer Security Act, and OMB Circular A-130, Appendices I and III. Technical, administrative, and personnel security measures are implemented to ensure confidentiality and integrity of the system data stored, processed, and transmitted. 

   The ACES System Security Plan, approved by GSA for each ACES contractor, provides for inspections, testing, continuity of operations, and technical certification of security safeguards. GSA accredits and annually re-accredits each contractor system prior to its operation.
       Retention and disposal: 
       System records are retained and disposed of according to GSA records maintenance and disposition schedules and the requirements of the National Archives and Records Administration.
System manager(s) and address:
Administrative Contracting Officer, FEDCAC, Federal Technology Service, General Services Administration, Room 5060, 7th and D Streets, SW, Washington, DC 20407.

Notification procedure: 
Inquiries from individuals should be addressed to the system manager. Applicants for digital signature certificates will be notified by the GSA ACES contractor which facilitates individual access to the relevant Federal agency database as follows:
       a. Each applicant will be provided, on a Government-approved form that can be retained by the individual applicant, the principal purposes of the ACES program; the authority for collecting the information; the fact that participation is voluntary; the fact that identity and authority information must be provided and verified before a certificate will be issued; the fact that the information provided is covered by the Privacy Act and the Computer Security Act; the routine uses that will be made of the information being provided; the limitations on the uses of the information being provided; the procedures to be followed for requesting access to the individual's 
   own records; and the possible consequences of failing to provide all or part of the required information or intentionally providing false information.
       b. Written notification in response to an individual's request to be advised if the system contains a record pertaining to him/her. 
     c. Written notification to an individual when any record on the individual is made available to any person under compulsory legal process when such process becomes a matter of public record.
       d. Written notification of the right to appeal to GSA by any individual on any dispute concerning the accuracy of his/her record. 

Record access procedures:
GSA ACES contractors will provide notification of, access to, review of, or copies of an individual's record upon his/her request as required by the Privacy Act.
Contesting record procedure:
GSA ACES contractors will amend an individual's record upon his/her written request, as required by the Privacy Act and GSA's implementing regulations, 41 CFR part 105-64. If the ACES contractor determines that an amendment is inappropriate, the contractor shall submit the request to the System Manager for a determination by GSA whether to grant or deny the request for amendment and direct response to the requester.
Record source categories: 
The sources for information in the system are the individuals who apply for digital signature certificates, GSA ACES contractors using independent sources to verify identities, and internal system transactions designed to gather and maintain data needed to manage and evaluate the ACES program.
Exemptions claims for the system: