Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. Now showing: Year 2006 projects that addressed Astrobiology Roadmap Objective 6.2

  2. Roadmap Goal 6: Understand the principles that will shape the future of life, both on Earth and beyond

    Objective 6.2: Adaptation and evolution of life beyond Earth

    Database of Stellar Spectra to Support Extrasolar Planet Modeling

    TEAM: VPL / ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 1.2, 4.1, 6.2, 7.2

    Design and Assembly of a Cavity-Ring Down Spectrometer for determination of concentration and isotopic composition of methane in gases

    TEAM: IPTAI / ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 2.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 5.2, 5.3, 6.2, 7.1, 7.2

    Detection of microbial differentiation using high-resolution molecular marker


    Ecology of a Hawaiian lava cave microbial mat

    TEAM: UH / ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 4.1, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 6.2

    Examination of the Microbial Diversity Found in Ice Cores (Brenchley)

    TEAM: PSU / ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 2.1, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 6.1, 6.2

    Exploring Conditions for Habitability in our Solar System

    TEAM: VPL / ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 2.1, 2.2, 4.1, 6.2, 7.1

    Genetic Systems for Psychrobacter

    TEAM: MSU / ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 5.1, 5.3, 6.2

    Genomes of Permafrost Bacteria: Psychrobacter isolates

    TEAM: MSU / ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 5.1, 5.3, 6.2

    Iceland Subglacial Biology Exploration (ISBOX)

    TEAM: UH / ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 2.1, 2.2, 5.3, 6.2, 7.1

    Indigenous Bacteria of Arctic and Antarctic Permafrost

    TEAM: MSU / ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 5.1, 5.3, 6.2

    Interplanetary Pioneers


    Microbial and biogeochemical characterization of terrestrial analogue sites for life in the subsurface of Mars.

    TEAM: IPTAI / ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 6.1, 6.2, 7.1

    Microbial communities and activities in the deep marine subsurface

    TEAM: MBL / ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 5.1, 5.3, 6.1, 6.2

    Planetary Biology, Evolution, and Intelligence

    TEAM: SETI / ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 6.1, 6.2, 7.1

    Project 5. Life in Extreme Environments

    TEAM: CIW / ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 3.1, 5.1, 5.3, 6.2

    Project 6. Molecular and Isotopic Biosignatures

    TEAM: CIW / ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, 5.3, 6.1, 6.2, 7.1, 7.2

    Project 7. Astrobiotechnology

    TEAM: CIW / ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.2, 5.3, 6.2, 7.1

    Proteomes of Permafrost Bacteria


    RNA activities relevant to ribocytes

    TEAM: CUB / ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 6.2

    The Astrophysical Environment and Planetary and Lunar Habitability

    TEAM: VPL / ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 2.1, 4.3, 6.1, 6.2

    The Habitability of the Nearest Stars to Complex Life

    TEAM: CIW / ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 1.2, 6.2, 7.2

    The Virtual Planetary Laboratory - The Life Modules

    TEAM: VPL / ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 4.1, 4.2, 5.3, 6.1, 6.2, 7.1, 7.2

    Understanding Mars subsurface methane hydrates and brines and potentials for microbial habitats

    TEAM: IPTAI / ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 4.1, 4.3, 5.3, 6.1, 6.2