Comment Number: 514719-00047
Received: 3/28/2005 10:04:38 AM
Commenter: Arritola
State: WI
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Notice of Proposed Study on the Effects of Credit Scores and Credit-based Insurance Scores on the Availability and Affordability of Financial Products
Docket ID: 3084-AA94
No Attachments


I think that we should be given the choice to "opt-out" completely of the "credit reporting" business. Here we have a privately held (in addition to government) companmies that have our pprivate information and it is none of their damn business. Let me say also, that I have two FICO scores well into the 700's and only one just below 700. So, I am not complaining because my credit sucks... I have good credit... for whatever that is worth, which is way too much. I want to be given the choice that my personal information be deleted completely from all the Credit Reporting Bureaus, and I want to be given another avenue for proving my worth. It is very clear that our personal information is not safe with these people. And the more information they collect, the more danger they become to us. The scores and reports mean NOTHING if you take the time to figure out how to work the system. I can get negative information deleted. It is their game, I just learned how to play it. But I don't want to play their game anymore, not that I ever did. I play it while waiting for a national movement to take hold and take back our control of our lives. The people really gettign screwed by this system are the very people that are purportedly being "equalized." Poor people with bad credit will continue to be poor and have bad credit, because they will be targets for sub-prime sompanies like Crapital One. They will mail their payments on time, but for some mysterious reason, it won't be posted till after the due date and they'll get slapped with fee... and higfher rates... and lower scores where more sub-prime companies can feed off them and the real companies who actually care about their clients won't even look at them because their scores are low and reports are showing a 30 day late. This is BS. This systrem is NOT in place to help us or equalize us, but to make money., And more money is made the worse credit we have... pure and simple. I want the choise of opting out. but I want this to be a national law or legislation, so that I am not punbished for wanting to take control of my personal life and not have my personal info floating around... it's none of their damn business and I can handle my own finances, thanks. A friend of mine couldn't even be seen in the hospital without them demanding his SS#... he fought them and won. But he had to fight them. It is so accepted these days that you must give up your personal info for anything. You have to give your SS# to get a fishing license or cable TV... this is total BS... and we have to stop it. We have to be given a choice, a real choice. I don't want more rules for the CRA's... I want them stopped. I want to be left alone and to live peacefully. I don't want my SS# floating around and my info sold. I want a real choice. I want to prove myself in a way that I have more control over. Like getting a letter of refernce that says I am a good person. I don't want ot rely on scores that change with the wind and we are NOT told how they are figured. That is not us being responsible for ourselves, but us being at the mercy of the big guys. I want to opt-out. I want my cable guy to know that I can do that. I want my car insurance agent to know that Ic an do that. I want a real choice.