Comment Number: 514719-00031
Received: 3/14/2005 8:29:46 PM
Commenter: debbie larsen
State: UT
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Notice of Proposed Study on the Effects of Credit Scores and Credit-based Insurance Scores on the Availability and Affordability of Financial Products
Docket ID: 3084-AA94
No Attachments


Our credit system is so unfair. In checking my own credit file, for one thing there are so many credit score depositories, each with its own descrepancies. One a person gets a correction through the major 3 it never gets deleted from all the other hundreds of sites, such as privacy guard, my fico. It took me 3 letters to get my name and correct address listed. It took also 3 letters to get a mortgage to report as such and not as an installment loan(big score difference). I get letters from my creditors that they correctly report info but the bureaus are not reporting that information. A person with a job does need a third party to help with credit report repair, because multiple letters etc to get information corrected. This score is used against me in credit terms and availability of credit. Those with attornies to get their reports corrected can get prime rates, great credit lines, but those with less than perfect credit are screwed..