General Aids to Navigation, Buoys, ATON Equipment (other than lighthouses, towers & lenses) ATON Operations, Waterways Management & Combined Studies

A Historical Bibliography


Abbott, Geoff. "A Life in the Sun [solar-powered ATONs]." Commandants Bulletin May 25 1984), pp. 22-24.

Adams, Charles R. "Convertible Buoys." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 87 (Jul-Aug, 1954), pp. 37-38.

"Aids to Navigation." Proceedings of the Merchant Marine Council 1 (Dec 1944), pp. 239, 246.

________. Proceedings of the Merchant Marine Council 2 (Dec 1945), pp. 187-188.

________. Proceedings of the Merchant Marine Council 5 (Nov 1948), pp. 184-186.

"Aids to Navigation Equipment Developed in the Past Decade-A Look at the Future." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 124 (Sep-Oct 1960), pp. 70-71.

"Aids to Navigation Power Converted to Natural Source." Commandant's Bulletin (Dec 1 1980), p. 13.

"Alterations to Type L Gas and Bell Buoy." Lighthouse Service Bulletin II, 18 (Jun 2, 1919), pp. 77-78.

"An Arrangement of Flashing Lights to Facilitate Navigation." Lighthouse Service Bulletin IV, 29 (May 2, 1932), pp. 115-117.

"Articulated Lights." Coast Guard Engineers Digest 24-227 (Summer 1985), p. 9.

"'Articulated Spar': A Better Short-Range Aid?" Proceedings of the Marine Safety Council 39 (July 1982), pp. 196-197.

"Atomic Buoys." Proceedings of the Merchant Marine Council 19 (Apr 1962), p. 64.

Atwell, Don. "ANT-17: 17th District Team Heads 360 Miles North..." Commandants Bulletin (Aug 1992), pp. 35-37.

"Automatic Remotely Controlled Aid to Navigation Established." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 57 (Jul-Aug, 1949), pp. 10-12.

"Automatic Sound-Actuated Fog-Signal Control Equipment." Lighthouse Service Bulletin V, 42 (Jun 1939), pp. 189-190.

Bailey, C.W., & N.S. Patrick. "Set That Buoy Right the First Time." Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association The Bulletin (Jan-Feb 1972), pp. 23-32.

"Battery Trumpet Horn [ battery-operated diaphragm type of electric horn for use on buoys or fixed structures ]." Lighthouse Service Bulletin V, 42 (Jun 1939), p. 190.

"Bell Float." Lighthouse Service Bulletin I, 59 (Nov 1, 1916), p. 238.

Benkert, W.M., & R.C. Hill. "Vessel Traffic Systems." Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association The Bulletin (Nov-Dec 1972), pp. 42-54.

Bobkowski, Paul A. "Buoy of the Future [LR Exposed Location Buoy]." Commandants Bulletin (Mar 14 1986), p. 3.

Booth, Rick. "Buoy Work: Working Aids on Long Island's Shore." Commandants Bulletin (Jan 1991), pp. 16-17.

Boy, Richard L. "Buoy Construction Changes." Commandants Bulletin (Aug 1990), pp. 30-31.

Brown, Daniel M. "Rotating Beam Single Station Range Design." Coast Guard Engineers Digest 21-213 (Winter 1982), pp. 43-47.

Buckingham, R.T., & D.G. Bohlayer. "Setting a Buoy Can Ruin Your Whole Day!" Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association The Bulletin (Jan-Feb 1974), pp. 30-33.

"Buoy and Rigging Shop [ Governors Island ] Keeps New York Harbor Running Smoothly." Commandant's Bulletin (Jan 31 1983), pp. 9-11.

"Buoy Maintenance at the Seattle Base." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 98 (May-June 1956), pp. 24-29.

"Buoy Production Halted at CG Yard: 40 Years of Making Lighted Buoys Ends." Coast Guard Engineers Digest 26-235 (Summer 1988), pp.3-4.

"Buoy Tending, Etc." Coast Guard Magazine (Jan 1941), pp. 32-33.

"Buoys." Proceedings of the Merchant Marine Council 10 (Mar 1953), p. 53.

"Buoys Built at YARD." Coast Guard Engineers Digest 24-226 (Spring, 1985), pp. 4-5.

"Buoys and Their Appendages." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 44 (May-Jun, 1947), pp. 12-13.

"Buoys Moored in Deep Water." Lighthouse Service Bulletin III, 52 (Apr 2, 1928), p. 237.

"Buoyage." Lighthouse Service Bulletin V, 42 (Jun 1939), pp. 187-189.

"Buoyage of the United States." Proceedings of the Merchant Marine Council 10 (Mar 1953), p. 52.

Burd, A.K. "New Buoy [articulated]." Commandants Bulletin (Dec 5 1986), pp. 16-17.

Campbell, Mark J. "VTS Houston/Galveston - Keeping the Traffic Moving." Commandants Bulletin (Apr 26 1982), pp. 9-11.

Carilli, Joseph F. "LNB [Large Navigational Buoy]-Our Newest Navigational Aid, The Future Picture." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 165 (Oct-Nov-Dec, 1969), pp. 40-41.

Carlson, Clinton S. "Design Process for Construction of a River Range Light." The Bay Pilot: Delaware River and Bay Lighthouse Foundation, Inc.  I, No. 4 (Winter 1999), pp. 8-10.

"Caught in the Act." Proceedings of the Merchant Marine Council 11 (June 1954), pp. 94-95, 99.

"Cautionary Notes Concerning Aids to Navigation." Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association The Bulletin (July-Aug, 1960), pp. 28-40.

"Cautionary Notes Concerning Aids to Navigation: Part 1--Lights and Fog Signals." Proceedings of the Merchant Marine Council 17 (July 1960), pp. 116-118; "Part 2--Lightships, Buoys, 
Radiobeacons, & Loran," (Aug 1960), pp. 136-139.

Chadwick, F.E. "Aids to Navigation." Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute 17, no. 3 (1881), pp. 1-8.

Clark, G.P. "The Problem of Off Station Buoys." Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association The Bulletin (Mar-Apr 1974), pp. 49-56.

Cleveland, Harley, & Paul Glahe. "Everything You Wanted to Know About USCG Experience With 
Large Navigational Buoys." Coast Guard Engineers Digest 22-218 (Spring, 1983), pp. 31-38.

"Coast Guard Installs First of Seven Navigational Buoys." Ocean Industry V (Oct 1970), p. 41.

"Coast Guard Launches Atomic Buoy." Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association The Bulletin (Nov-Dec 1961), pp. 39-41.

"Coast Guard Lights the Ocean Highways." Coast Guard Magazine (Sep 1952), pp. 11-12.

"Coast Guard Yard Will Begin Manufacture of Buoys." Coast Guard Bulletin VI, 10 (Apr 1951), p. 110.

"Conference at Lisbon on Uniformity of Buoyage." Lighthouse Service Bulletin IV, 12 (Dec 1, 1930), p. 47.

Coste, J.W., Jr., & J.A. McIntosh. "Special Report: The Prototype LNB." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 165 (Oct-Nov-Dec, 1969), pp. 34-40.

"Cowslip Reflects On Winter Operations." Commandant's Bulletin #12-82 (May 10 1982), pp. 16-17.

Crawley, Jeff. "ATON Plays Key Role In Waterway Safety." Commandants Bulletin (Sep 1991), pp. 24-25.

________. "No [Dinosaur] Buoy Too Big For Oregon Tender [Iris]." Commandants Bulletin (Sep 1991), p. 25.

"Cutter Tupelo Experiments with New Method of Handling Buoys." Coast Guard Magazine (Jan 1950), p. 12.

Danzik, Wayne & Bruce Schuckman. "Ocean Engineering Logistics: ATON Hardware." U.S. Coast Guard System Times (Fall 1999), pp. 77-80.

"A Day on the Delaware River with USCG ANT Philadelphia." The Bay Pilot: Delaware River and Bay Lighthouse Foundation, Inc. No. 6 (Summer 2000), pp. 8-9.

D'Entremont, Jeremy.  "Coast Guard Looks at Fuel Cells as a New Energy Source: Cape Henry Lights the Way."  Lighthouse Digest (Jun 2001), p. 20.

De Wire, Elinor. "Buoys." Western Boatman (Apr 1987), [?????].

________. "Buoys: The Thankless Guideposts." The Compass No. 1 (1985), pp. [?????].

________. "Consider the Lowly Buoy." Offshore (May 1992), pp. [?????].

________. "Fog" Echoes Through the Murk." The Compass No. 3 (1984), pp. [?????].

________. "Fog Signals." Western Boatman (August 1988), pp. [?????].

________. "Fog Songs." Mariners Weather Log (Fall 1987), pp. [?????].

________. "Rescued by a Buoy." Mariners Weather Log (Fall 1995), pp. 42-43.

"Description of Sireno Fog Signals." Lighthouse Service Bulletin I, 19 (Jul 1913), p. 75.

"Development of Buoy Radiobeacons." Coast Guard Engineers Digest (May 1942), pp. 4-5.

"Development of New Superstructure for Lighted Buoys." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 78 (Jan-Feb, 1953), pp. 6-8.

"Development of New Series of Unlighted Buoys." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 77 (Nov-Dec, 1952), pp. 43-44.

"Development of XRA Buoys." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 68 (May-Jun, 1951), pp. 44-48.

Dillon, F.P. "Administration of Aids to Navigation in the United States From Colonial Times to the 
End of World War II." Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association The Bulletin (Nov 1945), pp. 226-230.

"Double Mouth Horns." Lighthouse Service Bulletin I, 22 (Oct 1913), p. 87.

Ecker, W.J. & L. Alexander.  "The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Waterway Safety and Management."  Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association The Bulletin (Aug 1995), pp. 27-31.

________.________. Sea Technology (Mar 1995).

"Electric Fog-Bell Strikers." Lighthouse Service Bulletin V, 42 (Jun 1939), p. 189.

"Electric Sirens, Alcatraz Island, Cal." Lighthouse Service Bulletin I, 34 (Oct 1914), p. 133.

"Exposed Location Buoys." Coast Guard Engineers Digest 24-227 (Summer 1987), pp. 11-12.

Fearn, William R. "A Proposal for Revision of Aids to Navigation Training For Officers." Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association The Bulletin (Jan-Feb, 1964), pp. 53-55.

"5000th Aid to Navigation Converted to Solar Power!" Coast Guard Engineers Digest 24-230 (Summer 1986), p. 8.

"Fixed or Floating Aids." Lighthouse Service Bulletin V, 38 (Feb 1939), pp. 158-159.

"The First Electric Lighted Buoys." Lighthouse Service Bulletin V, 36 (Dec 1938), p. 147.

"Floating Beacons." Lighthouse Service Bulletin I, 58 (Oct 1, 1916), p. 234.

"Fog Bells Operated Electrically From Shore." Lighthouse Service Bulletin I, 3 (Mar 1912), p. 9.

"Fog Horn Tested." Along the Coast I, No. 2 (Apr 1909), p. 20.

"Fog Signal Sound Deflector." Lighthouse Service Bulletin I, 50 (Feb 1916), p. 201.

"Fog Signal for an Unattended Lightship." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 50 (May-Jun, 1948), pp. 27-31.

"A Forgotten Type of Navigational Aid [beacon boat]." Lighthouse Service Bulletin V, 31 (Jul 1938), pp. 121-122.

Freeman, R.M. "Lighting the Inland Waterways." Coast Guard Magazine (Dec 1950), pp. 20-21.

"Frances Scott Key Buoy Was There-But Briefly." Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association The Bulletin (Sep 1949), p. 128.

"Gasoline-Driven Fog-Signal Plant." Lighthouse Service Bulletin I, 10 (Oct 1912), p. 38.

Gault, R.D. "Ten Year's Experience with Design, Maintenance and Replacement of Minor Light Structures." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 110 (May-Jun, 1958), pp. 12-14.

Glahe, Paul J. "Recent Developments in Buoy and Mooring Equipment; Part 1." Coast Guard Engineers Digest 23-223 (Summer 1984), pp. 17-21.

________.________. "Part II." Coast Guard Engineers Digest 23-224 (Fall 1984), pp. 14-19.

Goodwin, M.J. "Lighted Buoy Design-Progress for the Future." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 176 (Jul-Aug-Sep, 1972), pp. 26-33.

"Green or Black Best Buoy Color?" Proceedings of the Marine Safety Council (Mar 1980), p. 51.

Hamilton, Alexander. "Traffic Signals of the Sea." Popular Mechanics LXXXVIII (Nov 1947), pp. 147-151.

Hand, Coleen. "The Change of the Lighthouse Brigade [Cape Henry]." Commandants Bulletin (Feb 3 1984), pp. 20-21.

"The Hardy 'Downeasters' on Spar." Commandant's Bulletin (Sep 21 1981), pp. 8-9.

"Heather Hoists Aboard a Whistling Buoy on California Coast." Coast Guard Magazine (Feb 1951), p. 3.

Hegy, Margie. "Historical Overview of Coast Guard Waterways Management." Proceedings of the Marine Safety Council 56 (Oct-Dec 1999), pp. 10-13.

Henderson, Dan. "Coast Guard Green." Coast Guard Engineers Digest 22-216 (Fall 1982), pp. 4-6.

________. "The Two Station Range." Coast Guard Engineers Digest 21-213 (Winter 1982), pp. 37-42.

Herring, Thomas A. "The Global Positioning System." Scientific American 274 (Feb 1996), pp. 44-51.

Higbee, Frank D. "Overdue Aids to Navigation." Naval Institute Proceedings 97 (Jul 1971), pp. 103-104.

High, Jeffrey P. "Waterways Management Leadership for the 21st Century." Proceedings of the Marine Safety Council 56 (Oct-Dec 1999), pp. 5-9.

"Important Changes in Aids to Navigation." Lighthouse Service Bulletin (1912-1939) [column published monthly].

"Important Improvement in Buoys." Lighthouse Service Bulletin III, 37 (Jan 3, 1927), pp. 174-175.

"Important New Fog Signal and Radiobeacon at the Southwest Pass Entrance to the Mississippi." Lighthouse Service Bulletin III, 72 (Dec 2, 1929), p. 317.

"Increase of Lights and Other Aids to Navigation in Alaska." Lighthouse Service Bulletin I, 72 (Dec 1, 1917), p. 296.

"Increasing Aids to Navigation." Lighthouse Service Bulletin III, 36 (Dec 1, 1926), p. 161.

"Instructions for Handling American Gasaccumulator Buoys." Lighthouse Service Bulletin I, 14 (Feb 1913), pp. 54-55.

"Instructions for Handling Pintsch Gas Buoys." Lighthouse Service Bulletin I, 14 (Feb 1913), pp. 53-54.

"Instructions for Handling Willson Acetylene-Gas Buoys." Lighthouse Service Bulletin I, 15 (Mar 1913), pp. 58-60.

"International Uniformity of Buoyage." Lighthouse Service Bulletin IV, 56 (Aug 1, 1934), pp. 183-185."

Jones, Lance. "Black Hull [ White Sumac ] Means Hard Work." Commandant's Bulletin (Jul 27 1981), pp. 8-11.

Kuehn, Robert K. "Large All-Plastic Marine Aids to Navigation Buoy." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 162 (Jan-Feb-Mar 1969), pp. 16-23.

"Last Civilian Master Leaves Lightship Service [Gavin L. Field]." Coast Guard Magazine (Jan 1957), pp. 20-21.

Lemieux, L.A. "Tending Buoys One of Hardest Tasks Given Coast Guardsmen." Coast Guard Magazine 21 (Aug 1948), pp. 19-21.

"Lights and Fog Signals of the World." Lighthouse Service Bulletin I, 42 (Jun 1915), p. 165.

"Lighted Buoys." Lighthouse Service Bulletin I, 6 (Jun 1912), pp. 21-23.

"LNB [Large Navigational Buoys] Alteration; Three Mile Range Reduced." Coast Guard Engineers Digest 26-235 (Summer 1988), p. 4.

"The LNB: Lightships Disappear in its Wake." The Chief (Jun 1975), pp. 2-3.

Lorens, Jeff.  "Servicing NOAA Buoys on the Central California Coast [CGC Aspen]."  Mariners Weather Log 46, No. 2 (Fall/Winter 2002), pp. 14-17.

Luoma, George R. "History of Radio Remote Control on the Great Lakes." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 112 (Sep-Oct 1958), pp. 26-29.

"Marking Tested Buoys." Lighthouse Service Bulletin I, 3 (Mar 1912), p. 12.

"Marine Traffic Control System for the Panama Canal." Proceedings of the Merchant Marine Council 19 (Apr 1962), pp. 59-62.

May, Daniel. "Buoy Recovery: [U.S.] Marine Style." Coast Guard Engineers Digest 22-219 (Summer 1983), pp. 25-29.

McKay, D.E. "Use of Shore Based Radar for Harbor Control." Proceedings of the Merchant Marine Council 5 (Nov 1948), pp. 182-184.

McKinstry, T.B., & F.I. Phippeny. "Electronic Fog Signal at Carquinez Strait." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 77 (Nov-Dec, 1972), pp. 31-33.

Meade, J.F. "Buoys Will Be Buoys." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 98 (Nov 1972), pp. 74-79.

"Mechanical Monster Buoy to Replace Boston Lightship Later This Month." Commandants Bulletin (May 5 1975), pp. 15-16.

Middleton, E.D., Jr. "Aids to Navigation--Modern Design." Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association The Bulletin (May 1947), pp. 77-80.

Millbach, Miles A. "Advanced Buoy Lighting Equipment Able." Coast Guard Engineers Digest 27-238 (Spring, 1989), pp. 13-16.

Monteiro, C.R. "Construction of Aids to Navigation: The Gulf Intracoastal Waterway." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 56 (May-Jun, 1949), pp. 17-22.

Montrello, John. "The 9-39 W Lighted Gas Buoy." Coast Guard Engineers Digest (Oct 1940), pp. 6-12.

Moore, Mary J. "Tending the Sea's Lights...Mrs. William Cochems..." Coast Guard Magazine (Sep 1931), p. 11.

"Mooring Can, Nun, and Spar Buoys in Deep Water." Lighthouse Service Bulletin I, 65 (May 1, 1917), p. 265.

Neely, Elizabeth. "Buoy Work." Commandants Bulletin (Jun 1991), pp. 36-37.

"New Ambrose Offshore Light Station: New York Harbor." Proceedings of the Merchant Marine Council 25 (Jan 1968), pp. 12-13.

"New Design of Small Gas Buoys and Improved Buoy Boat for Handling Them." Lighthouse Service Bulletin III, 46 (Oct 1, 1927), p. 211.

"New Fog-Signal Installation." Lighthouse Service Bulletin I, 42 (Jun 1915), p. 167.

"New Generation of Markers to Take Place of Lightships." Sealift (Dec 1970), pp. 18-19.

"New Mechanical Device Speeds Up Buoy Handling." Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association The Bulletin (Apr 1950), pp. 16-18.

"New Second-Class Nun Buoy." Lighthouse Service Bulletin I, 50 (Feb 1916), p. 201.

"New Type of Buoy." Lighthouse Service Bulletin II, 17 (May 1, 1919), pp. 73-74.

"New York Harbor and Its Lights and Buoys." Lighthouse Service Bulletin II, 61 (Jan 2, 1923), pp. 261-262.

"The 9-32-B Buoy." Coast Guard Engineers Digest (Dec 1940), pp. 13.

Olsen, Norman. "Coast Guard Finds It Needs to Re-Define Buoy Purpose." National Fisherman 57 (Jul 1976), pp. [?????].

"Origin of Placing the Red Buoy on the Right-Hand Side of Channels." Lighthouse Service Bulletin IV, 12 (Dec 1, 1930), pp. 47-48.

Park, Charles A. "Coast Guard Aids to Navigation." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 21 (Nov 1944), pp. 1-3.

Peistrup, C.F. "Peaceful Atom Joins the Coast Guard." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 132 (Jan-Feb, 1962), pp. 15-16.

Peterson, C.H. "Progress and Trends of the U.S. Aids to Navigation System." Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association The Bulletin (Jan 1948), pp. 497-504.

"Pharologist's Delight." Proceedings of the Merchant Marine Council 16 (Aug 1959), p. 156.

"Protecting Buoys From Birds." Lighthouse Service Bulletin I, 16 (Apr 1913), p. 63.

Putnam, George R. "New Safeguards for Ships in Fog and Storm." National Geographic (Aug 1936), pp. [?????]

"Quick Flashing Light Characteristics on Buoys." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 98 (May-June 1956), pp. 8-9.

"Radar Reflector Buoys." Proceedings of the Merchant Marine Council 6 (July 1949), p. 148.

"Radio Engineering: Radio Control of Fixed Navigation Aids." Coast Guard Engineers Digest (June 1942), pp. 4-5.

Rau, Thomas. "Buoy Tending: Underway with CGC Acacia’s Deck Warriors." Coast Guard Reservist (Apr 1997), pp. 4-7.

"Recent Developments in Lighted Buoy Components." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 100 (Sep-Oct 1956), pp. 20-21.

"Reheaters for Compressed-Air Fog-Signal Plants." Lighthouse Service Bulletin I, 17 (May 1913), p. 67.

Reitz, Louis R. "Coast Guard Electrifies Oil Lights on Missouri River." Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association The Bulletin (Nov-Dec, 1958), pp. 56-63. ""Remote Control For Aids to Navigation." Proceedings of the Merchant Marine Council 2 (Nov 1945), p. 165.

Ressler, Robin. "Plastic to Mold ATON Future?" Commandants Bulletin (Jun 1994), pp. 8-9.

"Retroflective Markings for Unlighted Buoys and Daymarks." Proceedings of the Merchant Marine Council 21 (Aug 1964), pp. 142-143. 

"River Coasties [ CGC Sangamon ]." Commandant's Bulletin (Sep 14 1981), pp. 8-11.

"River District Buoys." Lighthouse Service Bulletin II, 15 (Mar 1, 1919), p. 66.

Roeber, J.F. "Black Box Harbor Navigation." Proceedings of the Marine Safety Council 38 (Sep-Oct 1981), pp. 188-190.

Rosie, Ronald D. "The Offshore Light Station Program." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 157 (Oct-Nov-Dec, 1967) pp. 50-55.

Ruffin, J.V. "Steel Offshore Towers Replace Lightships." Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 131 (1966), pp. 645-646.

Scharfenstein, C.F., Jr. "Aids to Marine Navigation." Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association The Bulletin (Feb 1946), pp. 334-344.

________. "Exhibit for the Sixth International Lighthouse Conference." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 126 (Jan-Feb, 1961), pp. 30-36.

Schoen, Elenor Loarie. "Beacons, Marks and Signs." Sea Frontiers 19 (May-June 1973), pp. 154-163.

Scribner, Dean. "Development of a Wind Energy System for Use at Remote Lighthouses." Coast Guard Engineers Digest 23-222 (Spring, 1984), pp. 13-14.

________. "Using Wind Energy at Lighthouses." Coast Guard Engineers Digest 22-217 (Winter 1983), pp. 32-37.

"Sixth International Lighthouse Conference." Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association The Bulletin (Nov/Dec 1960), pp. 71-73.

Smith, W.J. "Electronic Aids to Navigation in the Harbor." Commandants Bulletin (Nov 22 1968), pp. 7-8, Suppl. No. 5.

"Sound-Operated Fog Signal." Proceedings of the Merchant Marine Council 4 (Apr 1947), p. 70.

Spangler, Keith A. "Lines of Light: From Light Bulbs to Lasers, the Coast Guard's ATON Program Steps into a New Era." Commandants Bulletin (Jan 1993), pp. 30-33.

"Spar Buoys in Hudson River." Lighthouse Service Bulletin II, 17 (May 1, 1919), p. 74.

"Special Can and Nun Buoys in Place of Wooden Spars." Lighthouse Service Bulletin III, 1 (Jan 1, 1924), pp. 3-4.

"Study of the Use of Plastic as a Buoy Material..." Commandants Bulletin (Mar 27 1970), pp. 4-5.

"Submarine Bell Buoy." Lighthouse Service Bulletin I, 5 (May 1912), p. 18.

"The Suggested Arrangement of Flashing Lights." Lighthouse Service Bulletin IV, 33 (Sep 1, 1932), p. 131.

"Sunrelay Lighted Aids." Proceedings of the Merchant Marine Council 16 (Aug 1959), p. 151.

"Synchronized Fog-Signal Tests." Lighthouse Service Bulletin III, 66 (Jun 1, 1929), p. 291.

"Synchronous Signaling." Lighthouse Service Bulletin V, 5 (May 1936), pp. 15-17.

"System of Flashing Lights for Buoys." Lighthouse Service Bulletin IV, 64 (Apr 1, 1935), pp. 203-204.

"Tall-Type Cone Buoys." Lighthouse Service Bulletin II, 28 (Apr 1, 1920), pp. 121-122.

"Tending Buoys in Inland Waters." Coast Guard Magazine15 (Sep 1942), p. 56.

"Tending the South Pacific." Commandants Bulletin (Jul 1990), pp. 22-23.

"Test of Vertical Mushroom Trumpet." Lighthouse Service Bulletin I, 22 (Oct 1913), p. 87.

"'Think Green [Buoys]'." Proceedings of the Marine Safety Council 39 (Sep/Oct 1982), pp. 265-270.

"375-MM. Pressed-Glass Buoy Lenses." Lighthouse Service Bulletin I, 60 (Dec 1, 1916), p. 244.

Trapani, Bob.  "AtoN Central: The Videograph Model B Fog Detector."  The Bay Pilot: Delaware River and Bay Lighthouse Foundation, Inc., 8 (Sprint 2001), pp. 16-18.

________. "Bygone Tidal Indicator Lost in History's Memory." The Keeper's Log XXIII, No. 2 (Winter, 2007), p. 25.

Trivers, G. A. & C.T. Hale. "The Francis Scott Key Buoy." Commandant's Bulletin (Aug 7, 1987), p. 5.

"2000th Aid to Navigation Converted to Solar Power." Coast Guard Engineers Digest 23-228 (Fall 1985/Winter 1986), p. 9. " 

"U.S. Coast Guard Magazine Visits a Buoy Tender and Learns How to Plant a Mooring Buoy." Coast Guard Magazine20 (Jul 1947), pp. 20-22.

"Uniformity in Buoyage and Other Navigational Aids." Lighthouse Service Bulletin III, 35 (Nov 1, 1926), pp. 157-158.

Unsinn, O.F. "An Aids to Navigation Inspector." Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association The Bulletin (Jun 1949), pp. 62-64.

"The Use of Green Lights on Buoys and Other Aids." Lighthouse Service Bulletin IV, 28 (Apr 1, 1932), p. 111.

Von Dohlen, H.W. "Medium Distance Electronic Navigation Systems and their Relation to Short and Long Distance Systems." Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association The Bulletin (July 1950), pp. 170-175.

Waesche, Russell R. "Coast Guard on the Rivers..." Coast Guard Magazine (Jun 1940), pp. 1-2.

Wheeler, Wayne C. "Buoys: Guideposts of the Sea." The Keeper’s Log (Fall, 1986), pp. 10-15.

________. "The Electric Buoys of Gedney’s Channel." The Keeper’s Log (Summer 1993), pp. 8-15.

________. "The History of Fog Signals (Part I)." The Keeper’s Log (Summer 1990), pp. 20-23; "(Part II)," (Fall, 1990), pp. 8-17.

________. "Range Lights." The Keeper’s Log (Fall 1985), pp. 9-10.

Whitehurst, Norm. "Contracting AtoN." Commandant's Bulletin (Jun 7 1985), pp. 8-9.

"'Wickie School' Aids to Navigation School, Groton, Conn." Coast Guard Magazine (Jan 1956), pp. 12-15.

Wiman, K.G. "Coast Guard Off-shore Light Stations." Military Engineer LV (Nov-Dec 1963), pp. 415-418.

"Wireless Fog Gun." Lighthouse Service Bulletin I, 34 (Oct 1914), pp. 133-134.

Books & Published Government Documents:

Adams, Charles R. Changes in Coast Guard Buoy Design. Scheveningen: International Technical Conference on Lighthouses and Other Aids to Navigation, June 1955.

Adams, William Henry Davenport. Lighthouses and Lightships: A Descriptive and Historical Account of Their Modes of Construction and Organization. London, New York: T. Nelson and Sons, 1871.

Adamson, Hans C. Keepers of the Lights. New York: Greenberg, Publisher 1955.

American Coast Pilot. 1796-1867.. 1796-1867.

Bachelder, Peter Dow. The Lighthouses & Lightships of Casco Bay. Provincial Press, 1995.

Bennett, William Edward (Warren Armstrong). White for Danger: True Dramas of Lightships and Lighthouses. New York: The John Day Company 1963.

Blunt, Edmund & George W. Blunt. Blunt's American Coast Pilot. New York: E. & G.W. Blunt, 1847; reprint 1861; reprint 1867.

Booz-Allen Applied Research, Inc. Servicing Systems for Short Range Aids to Navigation. Bethesda, MD: Booz-Allen, Nov 1970.

Brown, K., J. Schwenk & M. West. Overview of the U.S. Coast Guard Short Range Aids to Navigation Mission.   Cambridge, MA:  John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, 1993.  (DOT-VNTSC-CG-93-2, DOT-CG-N-02-93).

Caflin, James. Lighthouses and Life-Saving Along the Massachusetts Coast. Arcadia Publishing, 1998.

Chadwick, Lee. Lighthouses and Lightships. London: Dobson, 1971.

Cipra, David L. Lighthouses & Lightships of the Northern Gulf of Mexico. New Orleans: Eighth Coast Guard District 1976.

Collins, Francis A. Sentinels Along Our Coast. New York: The Century Company 1922.

Corbin, Thomas. The Romance of Lighthouses and Life-Boats. London, [?????], 1926.

Edwards, E. Price. Our Seamarks: A Plain Account of the Lighthouses, Lightships, Beacons, Buoys, & Fog-signals Maintained on Our Coasts for the Guidance of Mariners. London: Longmans, Green, 1884.

Findlay, Alexander George. Memoir, Descriptive and Explanatory, to Accompany the Charts of the Northern Atlantic Ocean; and Comprising Instructions, General and Particular, for the Navigation of that Sea. London: R.L Laurie, 1845.

Floherty, John J. Men Without Fear. New York: J.B. Lippincott Company 1940.

Gately, Bill. Sentinels of the Shore: A Guide to the Lighthouses and Lightships of New Jersey. Down the Shore Publications, 1997.

Gibbs, James A., Jr. Sentinels of the North Pacific: The Story of Pacific Coast Lighthouses and Lightships. Portland, OR: Binfords & Mort, 1955.

Livermore, William R. "Report Upon Fog-Signal Experiments," in United States Lighthouse Board. 
Annual Report of the Light-House Board, 1894, Appendix No. V. Washington: U.S. Light-House Board, 1894, pp. 267–367.

The Mariners' Museum. Lighthouses and Other Aids to the Mariner: An Exhibit of Models, Lifeboats, Relics, Lithographs, Engravings, Photographs, from Ancient to Modern Times relating to Lighthouses, Lightships and Tenders, Lifesaving and other Coast Guard material. Museum Publication No. 15. Newport News, VA: The Mariners' Museum, 1946.

Marshall, Amy Joe K. History of Buoys and Tenders. Washington: U.S. Coast Guard Historians Office, 1995.

McCormick, William H. The Modern Book of Lighthouses, Lifeboats, & Lightships. London: W. Heinemann, 1913.

Moe, Christine. Lighthouses and Lightships. Monticello, IL: p.p., 1979.

Naish, John. Seamarks: Their History and Development. London: Staford Maritime, Ltd., 1985.

Nordhoff, Charles. The Lighthouses of the United States in 1874. Golden, CO: Outbooks, 1981, reprint.

Pratt, Wm. A. The New American Coast Pilot or Yachtsmen and Coasters' Book of Reference, From Mobile Bay to St. John, N.B., With Reliable Sailing Directions for More than One Hundred Harbors and Ports. Hartford, CT: Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1883.
Proceedings of the First USCG National Data Buoy Systems Scientific Advisory Meeting, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, New London, Connecticut 12, 13, 14 May 1969. Washington: GPO, 1969. . Washington: GPO, 1969.

Putnam, George R. Lighthouses and Lightships of the United States. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company 1917; revised edition, 1933.

Sacheck, William A. Aids to Navigation in Alaska History. History and Archeology Series No. 7. Juneau, AK: Office of Statewide Cultural Programs, Alaska Division of Parks, Nov 1974; Juneau: Seventeenth District Coast Guard Public Affairs Office, 1978, reprint.

Shannon, Terry. Sentinels of our Shores: The Story of Lighthouses, Lightships, & Buoys. San Carlos: Golden Gate Junior Books, 1969.

Strobridge, Truman R. Chronology of Aids to Navigation and the Old Lighthouse Service 1716-1939. Washington: GPO, 1974.

Talbot, Frederick A. Conquests of Science: Lightships and Lighthouses. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company; London: William Heinemann, 1913.

Trapani, Bob.  "United States Coast Guard Aids to Navigation Team Philadephia." The Bay Pilot 2, Issue 1 (Spring 2000), pp. 12-13.

________.  "USCG ANT Philadelphia. . .Keepers of the Historic 'Lights in Transit' Along the Delaware River."  The Bay Pilot, Issue #12 (Summer 2002), pp. 16-17.

United States Coast Guard. Aids to Marine Navigation. CG-193. Washington: U.S. Coast Guard, 1940.

________. CG-193. Washington: U.S. Coast Guard, 1965.

________. Aids to Navigation. CG-127. Washington: GPO, 1945, 1946.

________. Aids to Navigation Manual. CG-222. Washington: GPO, 1950, 1953, 1964, 1972.

________. Buoys in Waters of the United States. Washington: GPO, 1942.

________. Coast Guard Aids To Navigation. Washington: U.S. Coast Guard, 1977.

________. Fixed Aids to Navigation Maintenance. Cleveland, OH: Ninth Coast Guard District, May, 1984.

________. Maintenance of Aids to Navigation 1910-1943, Saint Louis District. St. Louis: U.S. Coast Guard, 1943.

________. National Aids to Navigation School. The Aids to Navigation Bulletin. Yorktown, VA: USCG Reserve Training Center, published quarterly.

________. Research and Development Center. Report No. CG-D-31-98, II. Historical Summary of Aids to Navigation Analyses. Volume I: Final Report. Springfield, Virginia: National Technical Information Service, February 1999; Volume II: Annotated Bibliography. Springfield, Virginia: National Technical Information Service, February 1999.

United States Congress. House. Aids to Navigation in Lighthouse Service. H. Rp. 552, 64th Cong., 1st sess., 1916, Serial 6904; H. RP. 153, 65th Cong., 1st sess., 1917, Serial 7252; H. Rp. 1065, 65th Cong., 3rd sess., 1919, Serial 7455; H. Rp. 176, 67th Cong., 1st sess., 1921, Serial 7920.

________.________. Aids to Navigation and Other Works in Lighthouse Service. H. Rp. 1272, 64th Cong., 2nd sess., 1917, Serial 7110; H. Rp. 480, 65th Cong., 2nd sess., 1918, Serial 7307; H. Rp. 498, 66th Cong., 2nd sess., 1920, Serial 7652; H. Rp. 559, 67th Cong., 2nd sess., 1922, Serial 7955.

________.________. Authorizing Coast Guard to Establish, Maintain, and Operate Aids to Navigation. H. Rp. 1878, 80th Cong., 2nd sess., 1948, Serial 11211.

________.________. Conference Report on Bill Authorizing Coast Guard to Establish Aids to Maritime and Air Navigation. H. Rp. 2330, 80th Cong., 2nd sess., 1948, Serial 11213.

________.________. Expand Authority of Coast Guard to Establish Aids to Navigation to Include Trust Territory of Pacific Islands. H. Rp. 571, 82nd Cong., 1st sess., 1951, Serial 11497.

________.________. Gas for Lighting Beacons and Buoys, 2 pts., H. Exdoc 83, 47th Cong., 2d sess., 1883, Serial 2110.

________.________. Improving Aids to Navigation Services of the Coast Guard. H. Rp. 2083, 89th Cong., 2nd sess., Serial 12713-6.

________.________. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, Transmitting A Report of the Fifth Auditor, in relation to the execution of the act of 7th July last, for Building Light-houses, Light-boats, etc. H. Doc. 19, 19th Cong., 1st sess., 1838, Serial 131.

________.________. Light-Houses, &c. of the United States., on the First Dec, 1839. H. Doc. 140, 27th Cong., 2d sess., 1842, Serial 403.

________.________. Light-houses and Buoys. H. Rp. 437, 28th Cong., 1st sess., 1844, Serial 446.

________.________. Prohibiting Establishment of Private Lights and Private Buoys. H. Rp. 3966, 49th Cong., 2d sess., 1887, Serial 2501.

________.________. System of Marine Lights and Fog-signals. H. Rp. 682, 47th Cong., 1st sess., 1882, Serial 2067.

________. Senate. Aids to Navigation in Lighthouse Service. S. Rp. 495, 64th Cong., 1st sess., 1916, Serial 6899; S. Rp. 58, 65th Cong., 1st sess., 1917, Serial 7249; S. Rp. 473, 65th Cong., 2nd sess., 1918; Serial 7304.

________.________. Aids to Navigation and Other Works of Lighthouse Service. S. Rp. 507, 65th Cong., 2nd sess., 1918, Serial 7304.

________.________. Aids to Navigation Services of the Coast Guard. S. Rp. 1546, 89th Cong., 2nd sess., 1966, Serial 12710-4.

________.________. Coast Guard to Establish, Maintain, and Operate Aids to Navigation. S. Rp. 1043, 80th Cong., 2nd sess., 1948, Serial 11206.

________.________. Estimates for Aids to Navigation, Lighthouse Service. S. Doc. 253, 70th Cong., 2nd sess., 1929, Serial 9000.

________.________. Expand Authority of Coast Guard to Establish Aids to Navigation to Include Trust Territory of Pacific Islands. S. Rp. 300, 82nd Cong., 1st sess., 1951, Serial 11487.

________.________. Foster System of Gas-lighted Buoys. S. Exdoc. 183, 48th Cong., 1st sess., 1884, Serial 2167.

________.________. Importation of Lenticular Lights From France for Light-houses. S. Doc. 474, 26th Cong., 1st sess., 1840, Serial 360.

________.________. Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, Relative to Light houses and Buoys, on the Coast of Florida and Gulf of Mexico. S. Doc. 17., 18th Cong., 2d sess., 1825, Serial 109.

________.________. Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, in relation To the erection of light-houses, &c., in compliance with the 2d section of the act of March 3, 1837, "making appropriations for building light houses. light-boats, beacon-lights, buoys, and dolphins." S. Doc. 15, 25th Cong., 2d sess., 1837, Serial 314.

________.________. Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance, With a resolution of the Senate of the 35th instant, transmitting copies of the representations made to him relative to the light-houses of the United States, by the Messrs. Blunt, of New York, &c. S. Doc. 138, 25th Cong., 2d sess., 1838, Serial 315.

________.________. System of Lighting Harbors by Compressed Gas. S. Exdoc. 135, 47th Cong., 1st sess., 1882, Serial 1990.

United States Defense Mapping Agency. Hydrographic Center. List of Lights and Fog Signals. Washington: Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic Center. [published in six volumes]

United States Department of Commerce. Lighthouse Service. Aids to Navigation on the Coasts and Waterways of the United States: Statistics, June 30, 1933. Washington: GPO, 1934. [Published annually at least through fiscal year 1935.]

________.________. Buoyage System of the United States. Washington: GPO, 1931.
United States Light-House Board. "An Account of the Investigations of the Light-House Board Relative to Illuminating Materials; By the Chairman of the Committee on Experiments." Appendix to 1875 Annual Report of the Lighthouse Board. Washington: GPO, 1875, pp. 86-103.

________. ["Incandescent Lamps."] Appendix to the 1880 Annual Report of the Lighthouse Board. Washington: GPO, 1880, pp. 91-102.

________. "Investigations Relative to Sound in its Application to Fog-Signals, by the United States Lighthouse Board, in 1875, Under the Direction of the Chairman, Joseph Henry." Appendix to the 1875 Annual Report of the Lighthouse Board. Washington: GPO, 1875, pp. 105-135.

________. List of Lighthouses, Lighted Beacons and Floating Units of the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Coasts of the United States. Washington: GPO, 1858-1865.

________. Papers on the Comparative Merits of the Catoptric and Dioptric or Catadioptric Systems of Light-House Illumination and other Subjects relating to Aids to Navigation. Washington: GPO, 1861.

________. "Report on Experiments with Machines for Producing Electric Light." Appendix to the 1879 Annual Report of the Lighthouse Board. Washington: GPO, 1879, pp. 88-136.

________. "Report Upon the Electric Lighted Buoys in Gedney’s Channel, New York Harbor. By Lieutenant Commander M.R.S. Mackenzie and First Lieutenant John Millis." Appendix No. 3 to the 1888 Annual Report of the Lighthouse Board. Washington: GPO, 1888, pp. 189-201; 4 plates.

________. "Report upon Experiments Made at the South Foreland, Near Dover, England, to Determine the Comparative Power of Oil, Gas, and Electricity as Light-House Illuminants. By French E. Chadwick." Appendix 1 to the 1885 Annual Report of the Lighthouse Board. Washington: GPO, 1885, pp. 117-158 with 7 plates.

________. "Report of the Operations of the Light-House Board Relative to Fog-Signals." October, 1874. By Joseph Henry. Appendix to the 1874 Annual Report of the Lighthouse Board. Washington: GPO, 1874, pp. 83-117.

________.________. Appendix to the 1877 Annual Report of the Lighthouse Board. Washington: GPO, 1877, pp. 61-72.

________. "Report Upon the Results Obtained by Experiments Made at the Light-House Depot at Staten Island, N.Y. with Various Kinds of Mineral-Oil Lamps and Burners. By David Porter Heap." Appendix No. 2 to the 1888 Annual Report of the Lighthouse Board. Washington: GPO, 1888, pp. 183-188; 9 plates.

United States Lighthouse Service. Buoyage System of the United States. Washington: GPO, 1931.

________. The Light-houses, Beacons and Floating Lights of the United States in Operation on the 1st Dec, 1839. Washington: Blair and Rives, 1839.

________. List of Lighthouses, Beacons, & Floating Lights of the United States 1848. Gideon & Co., 1849.

________. List of Lighthouses, Lighted Beacons, & Floating Lights of the United States 1848. Washington: William A. Harris, Public Printer, 1854.

________. List of light-houses, Lighted Beacons, & Floating Lights on the Atlantic, Gulf, & Pacific Coasts of the United States. Washington: GPO, 1865-1918. [Hereafter published as separate volumes by region]

Dissertations, Theses & unpublished papers:


Adams, Charles R. "Changes in Coast Guard Buoy Design." Paper presented at the International Conference on Lighthouses and Other Aids to Navigation, Scheveningen, June, 1955.

Marshall, Amy K. "Frequently Close to the Point of Peril: A History of Buoys and Tenders in U.S. Coastal Waters, 1789-1939." Master of Arts Thesis, Department of History, East Carolina University, February 1998.

Schleiter, H.W. "Construction of Recent Coast Guard Aids to Navigation." Paper presented at the International Conference on Lighthouses and Other Aids to Navigation, Scheveningen, June, 1955.

Wear, Hugh D. "Remote Control of Aids to Navigation." Paper presented at the International Conference on Lighthouses and Other Aids to Navigation, Scheveningen, June, 1955.

Webb, David A. "Vinyl Painting of Buoys." Paper presented at the International Conference on Lighthouses and Other Aids to Navigation, Scheveningen, June, 1955.

Last Modified 7/22/2008