Working Partners for an Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workforce
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May 9, 2009   
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Online Advisor Helps Employers Create Drug-Free Workplace Programs

An interactive Web tool developed by the U.S. Department of Labor helps employers protect worker safety and health and improve productivity by building customized drug-free workplace programs for their businesses. 

The Drug-Free Workplace Advisor’s Program Builder provides introductory information for employers about the value of drug-free workplace programs and has separate sections for each of the five components of a comprehensive drug-free workplace:  a written policy, supervisor training, employee education, employee assistance and drug testing.   

For employers needing to develop a drug-free workplace policy from scratch, the policy section guides them through the different components of a comprehensive written drug-free workplace policy and then generates a policy statement based on their selections.  Employers can then incorporate their name and logos and further modify the statement as needed.

The Supervisor Training and Employee Education portions examine the essential elements of effective supervisor training and employee drug education programs and what employers need to consider in implementing them.  They also feature ready-to-use presentation materials including PowerPoint presentations, overheads and handouts.  The Employee Assistance section reviews the elements and benefits of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), which can be effective vehicles for addressing poor workplace performance that may stem from an employee’s personal problems, including the abuse of alcohol or other drugs. 

The section dedicated to drug testing helps employers learn about drug-testing issues and technologies and develop drug-testing policies for their companies when deemed appropriate.

The Drug-Free Workplace Advisor also has a section that helps employers determine if and how they must comply with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988.

The Drug-Free Workplace Advisor is one of several online Advisors, known as elaws (Employment Laws Assistance for Workers and Small Businesses), which are interactive online tools that help employers and workers understand their rights and responsibilities under the Federal employment laws administered by DOL. 



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