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25.2 Open Space and Trails

Goal 4 - DCC 25 - Indicator 25.2

This indicator is part of Accessible parks.

Indicator description:                                                           

This indicator measures the amount of open space and the miles of bikeways and other trails maintained and administered by the City of Albuquerque. Not included are open spaces administered by other agencies or jurisdictions such as state land or national forest. Ratios are also shown for open space to residents and to total city acreage. Data are also presented to show the approximate distance from residential lots to a City bikeway or trail. Total park and open space acreage of multiple jurisdictions in the Albuquerque area is compared to similar acreage in five other Southwest benchmark cities.

Indicator 25_2a

Why is this indicator relevant?

Open space land provides habitat for native vegetation and wildlife and helps preserve Albuquerque’s natural landmarks. Trails and bikeways, many collocated with open space, provide residents with opportunities to hike, jog, bike, and generally relax in natural settings apart from the urban environment. Open space of various types, including volcanoes, basalt escarpments, and the unique cottonwood and willow bosque along the Rio Grande River serve as natural laboratories for education and research. The watershed is also improved by open space. It reduces siltation and runoff, and promotes the recharge of groundwater aquifers.

Indicator 25_2b

Data Sources:
City of Albuquerque, Parks and Recreation, Planning, and Municipal Development Departments, 2003 - 2007; The Trust for Public Lands, Center for Parks Excellence; U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2003-2007.

 Indicator 25_2c

What can we tell from the data?

  • Acreage of City-administered open space land is increasing at a rate that approaches one acre of open space land to every four acres of total city land.
  • Bikeway and multi-use trail mileage is also increasing and is conveniently accessible to almost all residential properties.
  • Total park and open space acreage in the Albuquerque metro area is better than in the five other Southwest benchmark cities, especially when considering acres per capita and acres as a percent of total city area.

Indicator 25_2d

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