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31.2 Per Capita Water Use

Goal 5 - DCC 31 - Indicator 31.2

This indicator is part of Sustainable water supply.

Indicator description:                                                           

This indicator measures per capita water usage--the total amount of water pumped from the ground divided by our population and compares usage levels to peer communities. All of the residential, commercial, institutional and industrial water use as well as the unaccounted for water use (UAW) is included in the total amount pumped. Therefore, this indicator includes the water we use at home, at work and play, water used in schools and other public facilities, plus the processed water used by industries, and any leakages in the delivery system. Water obtained from other systems, such as Conservancy District or Kirtland Air Force Base water, is excluded. Per capita water use shows water usage over time, taking into account the population increase, which helps determine progress toward water conservation goals.

Indicator 30_1a1

Why is this indicator relevant?

While the library circulation rate and library visits are not direct indicators of community literacy, they are part of an overall picture about the community's literacy and access to reading materials. The public library provides access to reading materials, as well as literacy training for adults who lack literacy skills. Traditionally, the library has been seen as an indicator of community literacy; it is still considered an important part of ensuring community literacy, and public access to books, periodicals, and research materials. The modern library also provides access to electronic media, including music and DVDs, and a free public access point to the internet.

Indicator 31_2b

Data Sources:
Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (ABCWUA) 2008; Salt Lake City 2007 CAFR; Texas Water Development Board, 2006; Western Resource Advocates, 2005; City of El Paso, 2008; City of Oklahoma City, 2008

What can we tell from the data?

  • After six straight years of decline, over the last 18 months, the City has experienced a little over 1% increase in per capita water usage.
  • From 2002 to 2007, Albuquerque’s per capita water use decreased 15%, 197 to 167 gallons per capita per day. During this same time period the population increased 12%.
  • While Albuquerque is significantly lower than Salt Lake City in GPCD, Albuquerque is higher than Oklahoma City, Tucson, and El Paso.


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