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Why we have so many; facility, backstage, safety and other rules.
This may be more than you wanted to know, but it's not more than you need to know.


  • As a Historic Building that cannot meet current (new construction) building codes, the KiMo Theatre was allowed to be open for public events only if strict conditions and safety rules for its use were established and followed. This includes some specific additional rules that do not apply to newer/other facilities.
    These rules were created with the cooperation of the City of Albuquerque's; 
    Risk Management, Legal, Building Code and Fire Departments. 
    The health and safety of all persons within the facility must take precedence over artistic wishes or financial considerations.   
  • The KiMo Theatre is required to follow all applicable Federal, State and Local laws that govern the operation of public buildings, and the applicable Rules and Regulations of all other City Departments & Divisions that affect our operation. This specifically includes the Fire, Legal, Environmental Health and Finance Departments. Any fees, fines or penalties levied as a result of your use of the KiMo will be charged to you.
  • The potential for significant amounts of money to be involved in the operation of the KiMo requires us to be very specific with any rules and regulations in those affected areas.
    Examples; your Ticket revenue, Insurance and Public Liability, contracts with 3rd parties, personal safety/injury and the potential for subsequent Legal Judgments, etc.
  • As an 80+ year old Historic vaudeville and movie theatre the KiMo was not designed or constructed to accommodate some of the uses envisioned by present day theatrical Producers, Performers and Production Designers.  
    In the early 1960's a large fire completely gutted the stage area and structurally damaged the building. The auditorium has been restored but several areas of the building have been only minimally repaired, if at all and significant structural & physical problems remain. Until the non-public portions of the theatre have been completely renovated these realities DO limit what can be allowed within the facility.
  • Some of the persons or organizations who wish to rent the KiMo are not as familiar as others with; City of Albuquerque business procedures, standard Theatrical practices, the limitations of this Historic facility, etc.    so to help ensure that everyone is more fully informed with fewer misunderstandings, all of these details are included in the 'Rental of the KiMo' information.
  • Our guidelines that relate to WHEN we need information are for your benefit. Without correct information in a timely manner the various arrangements for your event could be delayed, your costs significantly increased or audience turnout adversely affected.
    Please remember that the KiMo Theatre has minimal staff and is working on many other events both before and after yours. In most cases we have multiple events per week and sometimes more than one event per day. 
    In addition, some services at the KiMo Theatre are contracted thru outside vendors, with their own deadlines. 
    These facts will compromise our ability to respond to untimely requests.
  • As a Registered Historic Landmark extra care must be taken to preserve the building and its decorative elements.
  • Due to the exceptional demand for performance dates the KiMo Theatre has a very busy event schedule, usually without sufficient time between events for significant repairs.  Activities which could negatively affect the events of other Renters or the continued function and operation of the Facility must be avoided or prevented. 


              If you violate City / KiMo rules and regulations 




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